00:05:48 Summer DeProw: Welcome to the October 24 Chancellor Chinwag! 00:10:24 Summer DeProw: Welcome to the October 24 Chancellor Chinwag! 00:11:05 Dale Clancy UAPTC: Thank you.... 00:11:29 Summer DeProw: Add your brags here for the Chinwag Brag Bucks donation to the food pantry! 00:12:10 Summer DeProw: @Dale Clancy UAPTC you're the best! 00:13:59 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Happy Friday everyone! 00:14:12 Summer DeProw: Happy Friday @catherine mccormack 3D faculty ! 00:14:25 Summer DeProw: Add your brags here for the Chinwag Brag Bucks donation to the food pantry! 00:14:35 UA-PTC | Natalie: Reacted to "Add your brags here ..." with ❤️ 00:15:04 Summer DeProw: Welcome to the October 24 Chancellor Chinwag! 00:15:14 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Welcome to the Octob..." with 💜 00:15:19 Matthew Lemaster: Need to brag on everyone involved with yesterdays HVAC accreditation visit THANK YOU ALL 00:15:25 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Need to brag on ever..." with 💜 00:15:35 Summer DeProw: Reacted to "Need to brag on ever..." with 💜 00:15:38 Summer DeProw: Add your brags here for the Chinwag Brag Bucks donation to the food pantry! 00:15:59 Summer DeProw: Somebody brag on HVAC! The food pantry needs your dollars! 00:16:00 Angela Kremers: Replying to "Need to brag on ever..." Great job Matthew! You did an amazing job preparing and making your program shine! 00:16:25 Deena Martin: Awesome job HVAC!!!!! 00:16:47 Summer DeProw: One more song while people join! 00:16:51 Summer DeProw: Welcome everyone! 00:16:57 Gary Winkler: Special shout out to Heather M. Smith for finding funds to renew the Films on Demand database. A lot of instructors have incorporated videos from that database into their classes. So glad we are able to keep them in our classes. 00:17:21 Summer DeProw: Add your brags here! What is going on with you and your students? Brag on your student or colleagues! 00:17:24 Sharon Cantrell: Congratulations Natalie and Lindsay for receiving awards at ACC Conference this week! 00:17:40 Angela Kremers: Proud of the HVAC program! We received an immediate 6 year accreditation with commendations! It's the first time the program has ever been accredited! All credit goes to the team and leadership for their support! Facilities needs a Starbucks for life card :) 00:17:47 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Congratulations Nata..." with 💜 00:17:52 Summer DeProw: How about that Single Parent Scholarship award?? 00:17:59 Sharon Cantrell: Congrats HVAC! 00:18:02 Angela Kremers: Replying to "Congratulations Nata..." Well deserved! 👏 00:18:05 KA Heintz: Congrats to Dale for working his way through ACUE ETP! 00:18:17 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Awesome job HVAC!!!!..." with 💜 00:18:17 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Welcome to our newest advisor, Tara Rice. We're fully staffed again in Academic Advising! 00:18:21 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Somebody brag on HVA..." with 💜 00:18:24 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Welcome to our newes..." with ❤️ 00:18:28 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Congrats to Dale for..." with ❤️ 00:18:29 Summer DeProw: Reacted to "Welcome to our newes..." with ❤️ 00:18:31 Deena Martin: Congrats for winning the single parent award to to Mary Kate Snow for being a top three nominee!!!!! 00:18:31 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Welcome to our newes…" with ❤️ 00:18:36 Dale Clancy UAPTC: Thank you.... 00:18:36 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Special shout out to..." with ❤️ 00:18:37 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Brags to Chef Chocla and Chef Lance for their courses served at Arkansas delta-diamond chef on Tuesday! 00:18:42 Summer DeProw: Welcome to all our new faculty and staff! 00:18:43 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Need to brag on ever..." with ❤️ 00:18:43 Braden T: The Food Pantry saw the largest distribution, possibly ever, in September with 71 Total households severed and 79 bags distributed. 00:18:44 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Reacted to "Congrats to Dale for..." with 👍 00:18:44 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Congrats for winning…" with ❤️ 00:19:00 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Congratulations Nata..." with ❤️ 00:19:01 Melissa Hendricks: Congrats to Mary Kate Snow for being recognized for her volunteer service to the Single Parent Scholarship Fund during their annual lunch event this week! 00:19:08 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "How about that Singl..." with ❤️ 00:19:08 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Congrats HVAC!" with 💜 00:19:12 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "How about that Singl..." with 💜 00:19:17 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Congrats for winning..." with ❤️ 00:19:20 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Congrats to Dale for..." with 💜 00:19:24 Summer DeProw: I have a brag.....@Robbie Gill! She did an amazing job with resumes and cover letters with my FYE class! Y'all invite her to your student org meetings and classes! 00:19:27 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Brags to Chef Chocla..." with ❤️ 00:19:30 Angela Kremers: Replying to "Congrats to Dale for..." Go Dale! 00:19:30 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Reacted to "The Food Pantry saw ..." with ❤️ 00:19:32 Mindy Hodges: Big shout out to Kelley Curtis for her outstanding leadership on Senate this year! 00:19:32 Lilly Dixon: Shout Out to Braden Taylor for doing a good job with food pantry and student government! 00:19:36 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Reacted to "Congrats to Mary Kat..." with ❤️ 00:19:38 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Welcome to our newes..." with 💜 00:19:39 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : And BIG brag to Adjunct faculty Chef Payne for winning Arkansas delta-Diamond chef! 00:19:40 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "The Food Pantry saw ..." with ❤️ 00:19:42 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Reacted to "I have a brag.....@R..." with ❤️ 00:19:45 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Congrats for winning..." with 💜 00:19:49 Melissa Hendricks: Dino-Lite is almost sold out this evening! Thank you to faculty and staff who purchased tix! 00:19:51 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "I have a brag.....@R..." with ❤️ 00:19:59 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Big shout out to Kel..." with ❤️ 00:20:01 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Welcome to all our n..." with 👏 00:20:03 Sharon Cantrell: Congratulations to BIC's Kimberly Blackmon for her recent selection to participate in the 40th class of Leadership Greater Little Rock! 00:20:06 UA-PTC | Natalie: Reacted to "Need to brag on ever..." with ❤️ 00:20:11 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "The Food Pantry saw ..." with 💜 00:20:13 wmjones: Dental raised $1800 for dental supplies for kids this month! 00:20:16 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Congrats to Mary Kat..." with 💜 00:20:18 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "And BIG brag to Adju..." with ❤️ 00:20:19 Sharon Cantrell: Reacted to "Dino-Lite is almost ..." with ❤️ 00:20:22 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout Out to Braden ..." with ❤️ 00:20:23 KA Heintz: Congrats to those who finished the QM course Sept 30th! 00:20:23 Traci Johnston: Reacted to "How about that Singl..." with ❤️ 00:20:24 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "I have a brag.....@R..." with 💜 00:20:25 cfletcher: Congratulations to Monsurat Salami recipient of the 2024 ACTM Excellence in Two-year College Mathematics Teaching Award! 00:20:25 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Reacted to "Dental raised $1800 ..." with ❤️ 00:20:29 Sharon Cantrell: Replying to "Dino-Lite is almost ..." I will be there!! 00:20:36 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Big shout out to Kel..." with 💜 00:20:40 Kyanna Beard | UA-PTC: Welcome Amy Cabrera our newest Recruitment Coordinator!! 🎈 00:20:43 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Dino-Lite is almost ..." with ❤️ 00:20:44 Mindy Hodges: Michelle Anderson is killing it on committees! Going the extra mile! Such a great team member! 00:20:57 Jessica Wise: Reacted to "Michelle Anderson is..." with ❤️ 00:20:58 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to " Congratulations to ..." with ❤️ 00:21:01 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Congrats to those wh…" with ❤️ 00:21:03 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Dental raised $1800 ..." with ❤️ 00:21:05 Jessica Wise: Reacted to "Dino-Lite is almost ..." with ❤️ 00:21:06 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Dental raised $1800 …" with ❤️ 00:21:07 Angela Kremers: Reacted to " Congratulations to ..." with 💜 00:21:08 Traci Johnston: Reacted to "Big shout out to Kel..." with ❤️ 00:21:09 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Congrats to those wh..." with ❤️ 00:21:11 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to " Congratulations to …" with ❤️ 00:21:11 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Dental raised $1800 ..." with 👏 00:21:13 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Welcome Amy Cabrera ..." with ❤️ 00:21:16 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Congratulations to M..." with ❤️ 00:21:17 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "And BIG brag to Adju…" with ❤️ 00:21:17 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Congrats to those wh..." with 👏 00:21:20 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shout Out to Braden …" with ❤️ 00:21:21 Jessica Wise: Replying to "Dino-Lite is almost ..." I will be there too! I’m so excited! 00:21:23 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Congratulations to M..." with 👏 00:21:26 Logan: I am the best ever. 00:21:27 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Michelle Anderson is..." with ❤️ 00:21:28 UA-PTC | Natalie: Reacted to "Congratulations Nata..." with ❤️ 00:21:29 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Dino-Lite is almost ..." with 👏 00:21:31 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Welcome Amy Cabrera ..." with ❤️ 00:21:31 UA-PTC | Natalie: Reacted to "Well deserved! 👏" with ❤️ 00:21:32 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Awesome job HVAC!!!!..." with 💜 00:21:33 KA Heintz: Reacted to "I am the best ever." with ❤️ 00:21:35 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "I am the best ever." with 😂 00:21:39 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Michelle Anderson is..." with 👏 00:21:39 Jessica Wise: Reacted to "Big shout out to Kel..." with ❤️ 00:21:41 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "I am the best ever." with 😂 00:21:47 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Proud of the HVAC pr..." with ❤️ 00:21:49 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Reacted to "I am the best ever." with 😂 00:21:50 Logan: Thank you!!! 00:21:53 Deana Nall: Reacted to "I am the best ever." with ❤️ 00:21:54 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Kudos the the Admissions Team for keeping it going last week! 00:21:55 Jim Porter: Longhorns rock. Props to the Horns 00:21:55 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "How about that Singl..." with ❤️ 00:22:03 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Welcome to our newes..." with ❤️ 00:22:04 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Longhorns rock. Pro…" with 😂 00:22:06 htjones: Bragging on Shaylee and Chris for all they do to market the college and make us all look good! 00:22:11 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Bragging on Shaylee ..." with ❤️ 00:22:11 Jennifer Atkins-Gordeeva (she/her) (AT-kinz-gor-DAY-yev-uh): Chef Hall is doing a great job facilitating the last month's QM trainings. 00:22:14 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "The Food Pantry saw ..." with ❤️ 00:22:16 Jessica Wise: Reacted to "Shout Out to Braden ..." with ❤️ 00:22:19 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Chef Hall is doing a..." with ❤️ 00:22:23 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Chef Hall is doing a…" with ❤️ 00:22:23 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Kudos to Tommy and Grant for making the AV amazing for the counselors luncheon this morning! 00:22:24 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Longhorns rock. Pro..." with 🤮 00:22:25 Braden T: Happy to have a job here. 00:22:25 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "I have a brag.....@R..." with ❤️ 00:22:26 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Chef Hall is doing a…" with ❤️ 00:22:27 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Kudos the the Admiss..." with ❤️ 00:22:31 Sharon Cantrell: Replying to "Bragging on Shaylee ..." Thank you, Shaylee and Chris!! 00:22:34 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Kudos to Tommy and G..." with ❤️ 00:22:35 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Congrats to Dale for..." with ❤️ 00:22:39 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Big shout out to Kel..." with ❤️ 00:22:39 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Mary Margaret Debow is doing a great job in her new Assistant Director role! 00:22:39 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Mary Margaret Debow ..." with ❤️ 00:22:41 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shout Out to Braden ..." with ❤️ 00:22:43 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Mary Margaret Debow …" with ❤️ 00:22:43 Talayia Johnson: I'm grateful to Science, Math, and Allied Health for all of their hard work for students. Your work does not go unnoticed! 00:22:46 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Happy to have a job ..." with ❤️ 00:22:50 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "I'm grateful to Scie…" with ❤️ 00:22:56 Jessica Wise: Shout out to Dr. Richard Moss for being AWESOME! He’s greatly appreciated! 00:22:56 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "I'm grateful to Scie..." with ❤️ 00:22:57 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Michelle Anderson is..." with ❤️ 00:23:00 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shout out to Dr. Ric…" with ❤️ 00:23:00 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Happy to have Braden here! 00:23:00 Angela Kremers: Replying to "Longhorns rock. Pro..." Go Hogs! 00:23:01 JMoran: Reacted to "I'm grateful to Scie..." with ❤️ 00:23:01 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout out to Dr. Ric..." with ❤️ 00:23:04 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "I am the best ever." with 😂 00:23:16 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Bragging on Shaylee ..." with ❤️ 00:23:16 Nichole Kesselberg: Reacted to "Proud of the HVAC pr..." with 👍🏻 00:23:17 UA-PTC | Natalie: Shout out to Mary Gall and Breu'hna Hall for working so hard on the benefits fair! 00:23:22 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Mary Margaret Debow ..." with ❤️ 00:23:25 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "I'm grateful to Scie..." with ❤️ 00:23:28 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shout out to Dr. Ric..." with ❤️ 00:23:28 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Dino-Lite is almost …" with ❤️ 00:23:28 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Way to go Matthew!! 00:23:33 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "I am the best ever." with 😂 00:23:34 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout out to Mary Ga..." with ❤️ 00:23:38 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Bragging on Shaylee ..." with 💜 00:23:43 Nichole Kesselberg: Reacted to "Welcome to our newes..." with 👍🏻 00:23:46 Logan: Languages and Communication students are particularly vocal this term, and faculty have made sure that they are heard, supported, and treated well as their situations are fixed or it is kindly and thoughtfully explained to them why it can't be fixed quite like they want it. It's a beautiful thing. 00:24:01 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Bragging on Shaylee ..." with ❤️ 00:24:01 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "Shout out to Mary Ga..." with ❤️ 00:24:02 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Languages and Commun…" with ❤️ 00:24:03 Nichole Kesselberg: Reacted to "The Food Pantry saw ..." with 👍🏻 00:24:07 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Michelle Anderson is..." with ❤️ 00:24:20 Kim Kullander: Congratulations to Monsurat Salami for being awarded the 2024 ACTM Excellence in Two-year College Mathematics Teaching Award. She's very deserving! 00:24:23 Kelly Charleville UAPTC: Reacted to "I'm grateful to Scie..." with ❤️ 00:24:34 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "Languages and Commun..." with ❤️ 00:24:34 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "Congratulations to M..." with ❤️ 00:24:38 Jessica Wise: Shout to the Boots on the Ground Task Force for Assessment! This team has put in MAJOR work and will continue to do so as we work on improving our assessment practices! We appreciate ALL of you! 00:24:40 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "Shout to the Boots o..." with ❤️ 00:24:41 Kelly Charleville UAPTC: Reacted to "Go Hogs!" with 🎉 00:24:43 UA-PTC | Natalie: Replying to "Congratulations to M..." Congratulations!! 00:24:43 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout to the Boots o..." with ❤️ 00:24:47 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shout to the Boots o..." with 💜 00:25:03 Traci Johnston: Shout out to Rusher and his team for helping us get our outdoor nature classroom ready for our early childhood students.. 00:25:12 Jim Porter: Kudos to Regina for patiently explaining to me that 'Valuing Stakeholders' had nothing to do with vampires. 00:25:13 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout out to Rusher ..." with ❤️ 00:25:16 jfields: My family will be in the building tonight! 00:25:22 Jessica Wise: Reacted to "Languages and Commun..." with ❤️ 00:25:23 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "Kudos to Regina for ..." with 😂 00:25:27 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shout out to Rusher ..." with ❤️ 00:25:29 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "My family will be in..." with ❤️ 00:25:32 ShSmith: Reacted to "Kudos to Regina for ..." with 😂 00:25:35 Kristen Karetov: Reacted to "Kudos to Regina for ..." with 😂 00:25:39 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Regina for ..." with 😂 00:25:41 jfields: Reacted to "Congratulations to M..." with ❤️ 00:25:46 Logan: Dr. Richard Moss is dealing with a crew that desperately needs his support and attention, and he is going above and beyond to make sure we are taken care of. 00:25:50 Mindy Hodges: Special thanks to Porter and Dover for keeping me in line. They join April and LINDSAY in this full time job. #ittakesavillage 00:26:00 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Dr. Richard Moss is ..." with ❤️ 00:26:00 UA-PTC | Natalie: Reacted to "Dr. Richard Moss is ..." with ❤️ 00:26:07 Jessica Wise: Reacted to "Dr. Richard Moss is ..." with 👏 00:26:08 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Special thanks to Po..." with ❤️ 00:26:08 Kimberly Blackmon: Reacted to "Dr. Richard Moss is ..." with ❤️ 00:26:11 Jim Porter: Reacted to "Special thanks to Po..." with ❤️ 00:26:14 Lindsay Kullenberg: Who’s Lindsey 00:26:19 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Who’s Lindsey" with 😂 00:26:19 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Major brag to the facilities team that helped CAHMI move into their offices this past week! 00:26:26 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Major brag to the fa..." with 💜 00:26:27 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Reacted to "Who’s Lindsey" with 😂 00:26:42 Summer DeProw: Anymore brags???? 00:26:55 Lindsay Kullenberg: Reacted to "Special thanks to Po…" with 😂 00:26:56 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : And shout out to Aaron in IT that set up all of our computers at CAHMI!!!! 00:26:57 Logan: Shoutout to Jessica Wise and Kate Evans and all the Assessment "Boots on the Ground" Task Force for leading our charge on that. They are working very hard! 00:27:05 Nichole Kesselberg: Reacted to "Shoutout to Jessica ..." with 👍🏻 00:27:07 Summer DeProw: Reacted to "Shoutout to Jessica ..." with 👏 00:27:07 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shoutout to Jessica ..." with 💜 00:27:12 Shaylee Backus: Reacted to "Who’s Lindsey" with 😂 00:27:14 UAPTC | Billie Egli: Yes! Thank you Dr. DeProw for your great leadership!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 00:27:14 Jessica Wise: Reacted to "Shoutout to Jessica ..." with ❤️ 00:27:14 Summer DeProw: Go team go! 00:27:21 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Yes! Thank you Dr. ..." with 💜 00:27:25 UA-PTC | Natalie: Reacted to "Yes! Thank you Dr. ..." with ❤️ 00:27:25 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shoutout to Jessica …" with 💜 00:27:28 Summer DeProw: Reacted to "Yes! Thank you Dr. ..." with 🥰 00:27:28 Logan: Reacted to "Go team go!" with ❤️ 00:27:32 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Yes! Thank you Dr. …" with 💜 00:27:42 George Lauster: Big thanks to Flo Kwelle, Sara Osbourne and Bryan Rusher for clearing out decades of chemical waste from SCIB 00:27:42 Summer DeProw: @kim 00:27:43 Talayia Johnson: Thanks so much to Curt Crook for always provided one on one turtoring for me related to Workday Student!! 00:27:50 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Reacted to "Thanks so much to Cu..." with ❤️ 00:27:51 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Thanks so much to Cu..." with ❤️ 00:28:08 Summer DeProw: @Kimberly Blackmon what about GSF 10KSB? Alabama?? 00:28:08 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Replying to "Thanks so much to Cu..." Thanks so much to Curt Crook for always provided one on one turtoring for me related to Workday Student!! It's my pleasure! 00:28:15 Sharon Cantrell: Reacted to "Yes! Thank you Dr. ..." with ❤️ 00:28:17 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Dr. Richard Moss is ..." with ❤️ 00:28:22 Cyrus cmarbaniang@uaptc.edu: Reacted to "Big thanks to Flo Kw..." with 👍 00:28:24 Logan: I witnessed and got reports from attendees how great the SkillsUSA Day went this week. 00:28:25 UAPTC | Billie Egli: Shout out to the Bursar team for all of their hard work on Workday Student with assistance from Cindy Donohoe and Jordan Buckner! 00:28:29 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Dr. Hunt rocks! 00:28:35 UA-PTC | Natalie: Reacted to "Dr. Hunt rocks!" with ❤️ 00:28:35 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Dr. Hunt rocks!" with ❤️ 00:28:38 Jessica Wise: Reacted to "Dr. Hunt rocks!" with ❤️ 00:28:38 Sharon Cantrell: Replying to "Yes! Thank you Dr. ..." Best Chancellor ever!! 00:28:39 Mindy Hodges: Thanks to LB and Kimberly for their excellent leadership in the Goldman program!!!!! 00:28:42 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Shout out to Joanna and Mallory for the increase in Procurement trainings that now occur twice a month on a constant basis now.... Please note that everyone! 🙂 00:28:46 Jessica Wise: Reacted to "Yes! Thank you Dr. ..." with ❤️ 00:28:49 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "Yes! Thank you Dr. ..." with ❤️ 00:28:51 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shout out to Joanna ..." with 👏 00:28:52 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "Dr. Hunt rocks!" with ❤️ 00:28:56 Nichole Kesselberg: Shoutout Tim, Chris, & Shaylee for your support during the Perkins regional meeting (That's 3 brags in one) 🤣 00:29:02 UA-PTC | Natalie: Reacted to "Shout out to Joanna ..." with ❤️ 00:29:15 Lindsey Fricks: Reacted to "I'm grateful to Scie..." with ❤️ 00:29:21 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Who’s Lindsey" with 😂 00:29:22 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout out to the Bur..." with ❤️ 00:29:27 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Thanks so much to Cu..." with ❤️ 00:29:30 Sheryl Coleman: Reacted to "Shout out to Joanna ..." with ❤️ 00:29:32 htjones: Reacted to "Shoutout Tim, Chris,..." with ❤️ 00:29:32 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Big thanks to Flo Kw..." with ❤️ 00:29:34 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Yes! Thank you Dr. …" with 💜 00:29:34 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shoutout Tim, Chris,…" with ❤️ 00:29:35 Sheryl Coleman: Reacted to "Shout out to Joanna ..." with 👏 00:29:39 Summer DeProw: Come on grant writers! 00:29:40 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Dr. Hunt rocks!" with ❤️ 00:29:45 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Major brag to the fa..." with ❤️ 00:29:46 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Shout out to Joanna ..." with 👏 00:29:47 Kelly Charleville UAPTC: Reacted to "Yes! Thank you Dr. ..." with ❤️ 00:29:47 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "I witnessed and got …" with ❤️ 00:29:49 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "And shout out to Aar..." with ❤️ 00:29:49 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Shoutout Tim, Chris,..." with ❤️ 00:29:51 Angela Kremers: Thanks for your leadership Amanda! The procurement, travel, contracts, and inventory processes are greatly improved! Thanks for all you do! 00:29:54 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shoutout to Jessica ..." with ❤️ 00:29:55 Melissa Hendricks: https://uaptc.edu/diamond-den-grant-application 00:29:56 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thanks for your lead…" with ❤️ 00:30:00 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Thanks for your lead..." with ❤️ 00:30:01 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Yes! Thank you Dr. ..." with ❤️ 00:30:01 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to " https://uaptc.edu/d…" with 👏 00:30:02 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Lennon is the best!! 00:30:06 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Lennon is the best!!" with ❤️ 00:30:06 Summer DeProw: Reacted to " https://uaptc.edu/d..." with 👏 00:30:07 Talayia Johnson: I'm grateful to PR and Marketing for all of the help they have provided for the Allied Health open house events! 00:30:10 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Reacted to "Thanks for your lead..." with ❤️ 00:30:26 UA-PTC | Natalie: Shout out to Duc Pham! He is always so helpful and wonderful to work with. 00:30:27 htjones: Reacted to "I'm grateful to PR a..." with ❤️ 00:30:28 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thanks to LB and Kim…" with 👏 00:30:30 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "I witnessed and got ..." with ❤️ 00:30:32 Jessica Wise: Shout to Sam Staggs! She is always available for students, and she leads the charge with holding successful student events, bake sales, and field trips! We appreciate you, Sam! 00:30:33 Shaylee Backus: Reacted to "I'm grateful to PR a..." with ❤️ 00:30:34 Summer DeProw: Reacted to "Shout to Sam Staggs!..." with 👏 00:30:34 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "Shout to Sam Staggs!..." with ❤️ 00:30:44 Summer DeProw: Reacted to "Shout out to Duc Pha..." with 👏 00:30:44 lparker: Reacted to "Lennon is the best!!" with ❤️ 00:30:45 Shaylee Backus: Reacted to "Shoutout Tim, Chris,..." with ❤️ 00:30:46 Talayia Johnson: Duc Rocks!!! 00:30:49 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Dr. Hunt rocks!" with ❤️ 00:30:54 UA-PTC | Natalie: Reacted to "Duc Rocks!!!" with 👍 00:30:55 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Thanks to LB and Kim..." with ❤️ 00:30:55 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shout out to Duc Pha…" with ❤️ 00:30:59 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shout to Sam Staggs!…" with ❤️ 00:30:59 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Shout out to the Student Ambassadors that are packing bags for Preview Day!!!! 10/25 00:31:00 Angela Kremers: Shout out to Bruce Thomas for doing a great job as interim Tech Sciences Director! He goes over and above to get things done with quality! 00:31:04 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shout out to the Stu..." with 👏 00:31:05 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Duc Rocks!!!" with ❤️ 00:31:05 ShSmith: Reacted to "Shout out to Duc Pha..." with ❤️ 00:31:06 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout out to Joanna ..." with ❤️ 00:31:08 UA-PTC | Natalie: Reacted to "Shout out to Bruce T..." with 👏 00:31:09 Lindsey Fricks: Reacted to "I'm grateful to PR a..." with ❤️ 00:31:11 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shout out to the Stu…" with ❤️ 00:31:11 Kelly Charleville UAPTC: Reacted to "Duc Rocks!!!" with ❤️ 00:31:13 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shout out to Bruce T…" with 👏 00:31:14 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shoutout Tim, Chris,..." with ❤️ 00:31:16 JMoran: Reacted to "I'm grateful to PR a..." with ❤️ 00:31:16 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shout out to Duc Pha..." with 👏 00:31:18 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Reacted to "Shout out to the Stu..." with ❤️ 00:31:18 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "Shout out to the Stu..." with ❤️ 00:31:20 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shout to Sam Staggs!..." with 👏 00:31:20 Tylisha Charles: Shoutout to Daphne Hale for always being available! Much appreciated 00:31:22 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Thanks for your lead..." with ❤️ 00:31:24 UAPTC | John Lewis: My team put together a great application that I thnk will be hard to beat! Kudos to my team! 00:31:27 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Duc Rocks!!!" with 👏 00:31:33 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shoutout to Daphne H..." with 💜 00:31:34 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Reacted to "Shoutout to Daphne H..." with ❤️ 00:31:35 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Lennon is the best!!" with ❤️ 00:31:39 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "I'm grateful to PR a..." with ❤️ 00:31:39 Jessica Wise: Reacted to "My team put together..." with 👏 00:31:40 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "My team put together..." with ❤️ 00:31:42 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout out to Duc Pha..." with ❤️ 00:31:44 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shoutout to Daphne H…" with 💜 00:31:46 Jessica Wise: Reacted to "Shout out to Bruce T..." with ❤️ 00:31:46 Angela Kremers: Replying to "Shoutout to Daphne H..." Daphne is amazing! 00:31:47 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout to Sam Staggs!..." with ❤️ 00:31:49 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "My team put together…" with 👏 00:31:49 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Shoutout to Daphne H..." with ❤️ 00:31:53 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout out to the Stu..." with ❤️ 00:31:59 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout out to Bruce T..." with ❤️ 00:32:05 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "My team put together..." with ❤️ 00:32:08 Melissa Hendricks: Thank you to Michele, Krystina, Ja'Colby and Jeremy for all your hard work getting us ready for Dino-Lite and other theater events at CHARTS! 00:32:21 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Thank you to Michele..." with ❤️ 00:32:28 Kristen Karetov: Shout out to Tech Sciences department for making me feel so welcome as a new faculty member! They have helped make this semester a great one. 00:32:39 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout out to Tech Sc..." with ❤️ 00:32:39 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Reacted to "Shout out to Tech Sc..." with ❤️ 00:32:48 Angela Kremers: SoTAPS has the best faculty and staff! So hard working, talented, and knocking it out of the park! 00:32:54 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Thank you to Michele..." with ❤️ 00:32:58 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Shout out to Tech Sc..." with ❤️ 00:32:59 LeeAnn Reynolds: Reacted to "SoTAPS has the best …" with ❤️ 00:33:02 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "SoTAPS has the best ..." with ❤️ 00:33:04 Kristen Karetov: Reacted to "SoTAPS has the best ..." with ❤️ 00:33:05 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "Shout out to Tech Sc..." with ❤️ 00:33:08 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "SoTAPS has the best ..." with ❤️ 00:33:16 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Daphne is amazing!" with 🥰 00:33:19 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shout out to Tech Sc..." with 💜 00:33:23 LeeAnn Reynolds: Replying to "SoTAPS has the best …" It’s all due to great leadership 00:33:25 UA-PTC | Natalie: Shout out to Regina!! She is an amazing supervisor and HR Director! 00:33:26 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Special thanks to Po…" with ❤️ 00:33:28 Angela Kremers: Replying to "Shout out to Tech Sc..." We're sooooo glad you are here!!! 00:33:31 Kristen Karetov: Reacted to "Shout out to Regina!..." with ❤️ 00:33:46 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Replying to "SoTAPS has the best ..." Leadership is everything! 00:33:49 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "Shout out to Regina!..." with ❤️ 00:33:49 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shoutout Tim, Chris,..." with ❤️ 00:33:50 Angela Kremers: Great job to Kristen Karatov for her presentation at ACC! 00:33:55 Robbie Gill: Reacted to " https://uaptc.edu/d..." with 👏 00:33:56 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "It’s all due to grea..." with 👍 00:33:57 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Lennon is the best!!" with ❤️ 00:33:59 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "It’s all due to grea..." with 💜 00:34:00 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "I'm grateful to PR a..." with ❤️ 00:34:02 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Replying to "SoTAPS has the best ..." Great leader and chaos coordinator over there!!!! 00:34:03 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shout out to Duc Pha..." with ❤️ 00:34:04 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Leadership is everyt..." with 💜 00:34:04 Talayia Johnson: Thank you to HR for helping us through hard situations!!! We appreciate you very much!!! 00:34:05 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shout to Sam Staggs!..." with ❤️ 00:34:06 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Duc Rocks!!!" with ❤️ 00:34:10 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shout out to the Stu..." with ❤️ 00:34:10 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Great leader and cha..." with 😸 00:34:11 Kristen Karetov: Reacted to "Great job to Kristen..." with ❤️ 00:34:11 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shout out to Bruce T..." with ❤️ 00:34:12 UA-PTC | Natalie: Reacted to "Thank you to HR for ..." with ❤️ 00:34:12 Beverly Brister: Reacted to "@Kimberly Blackmon w..." with 👍🏻 00:34:14 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shout out to Tech Sc…" with ❤️ 00:34:21 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "My team put together..." with ❤️ 00:34:21 Beverly Brister: Reacted to "Thanks to LB and Kim..." with ❤️ 00:34:22 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "SoTAPS has the best …" with ❤️ 00:34:24 John Price: Shout out to April Lewis and me. We are trying to bring back Phi Beta Lambda now called FBLA Collegiate. We had some student interest. Please encourage students to look into this proposed organization. I unfortunately, I need to step out of the call. 00:34:25 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shoutout to Daphne H..." with ❤️ 00:34:31 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Natalie Hibdon is amazing and always helps me with HR things! 00:34:33 Sharon Cantrell: Replying to "SoTAPS has the best ..." Thank you for your leadership, Dr. Kremers!!! 00:34:41 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Natalie Hibdon is am…" with ❤️ 00:34:41 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Thank you for your l..." with 💜 00:34:44 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Great leader and cha..." with 😸 00:34:47 UA-PTC | Natalie: Reacted to "Natalie Hibdon is am..." with ❤️ 00:34:48 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout out to Regina!..." with ❤️ 00:34:53 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Thank you to HR for ..." with 💜 00:34:53 JMoran: Reacted to "Natalie Hibdon is am..." with ❤️ 00:34:54 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Great job to Kristen..." with ❤️ 00:35:01 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Thank you to HR for ..." with ❤️ 00:35:02 Melissa Hendricks: Thank you to Dr. Lewis and his team for helping us with RSVP's from students for the Foundation Annual Scholarship Lunch and to Dr. Hunt for her great welcoming comments at the lunch! 00:35:09 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thank you to Dr. Lew…" with ❤️ 00:35:10 Beverly Brister: Reacted to "SoTAPS has the best ..." with ❤️ 00:35:12 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shout out to April L..." with 👏 00:35:17 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Natalie Hibdon is am..." with ❤️ 00:35:17 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Natalie Hibdon is am..." with 💜 00:35:19 Beverly Brister: Reacted to "Leadership is everyt..." with ❤️ 00:35:20 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Shout out to my boss for not getting tired of me *lol* 00:35:26 UAPTC | John Lewis: Kudos to Kyanna Beard for chairing the ArkACRAO Conference this month and for representing UA-PTC as ArkACRAO's new President! She is a true champion! 00:35:27 Logan: Sharon Combs is spearheading a beautiful collaboration for our students (staff and faculty too) with Shake on the Lake, a professional theater company from New York, to present a staged reading of an original work in development. 00:35:30 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Thank you to Dr. Lew..." with ❤️ 00:35:31 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Reacted to "Shout out to my boss..." with 😂 00:35:32 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Thank you to Dr. Lew..." with ❤️ 00:35:37 UAPTC | John Lewis: Reacted to "Shout out to my boss..." with 😂 00:35:38 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Kudos to Kyanna Bear..." with ❤️ 00:35:39 Summer DeProw: Go team go! 00:35:40 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "Go team go!" with ❤️ 00:35:45 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Kyanna Bear..." with ❤️ 00:35:46 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shout out to my boss..." with 😂 00:35:48 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "Sharon Combs is spea..." with ❤️ 00:35:49 Kristen Karetov: Reacted to "Kudos to Kyanna Bear..." with ❤️ 00:35:52 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Sharon Combs is spea..." with ❤️ 00:36:06 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Replying to "Shout out to my boss..." I think it is the other way around! 00:36:13 sharon combs : Reacted to "Sharon Combs is spea…" with ❤️ 00:36:17 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to Kyanna Bear…" with ❤️ 00:36:25 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Sharon Combs is spea…" with ❤️ 00:37:16 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Sharon Combs is spea..." with ❤️ 00:37:18 Angela Kremers: Thank you Chief Stafford and team for keeping us safe! 00:37:19 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Shout out to Daphne. She keeps the second floor in line.....mostly! 🙂 00:37:24 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Thank you Chief Staf..." with ❤️ 00:37:26 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shout out to Daphne...." with 💜 00:37:27 Mindy Hodges: Shout out to Brittany Dudra and Jerry Best for their CERT leadership and very helpful trainings!!!!!! 00:37:30 Deana Nall: Are there any plans to make the faculty offices at South less vulnerable? 00:37:31 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Kudos to Bailey in the cashiers office! He is always smiling no matter what's going on in his window 00:37:32 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shout out to Daphne.…" with 💜 00:37:35 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thank you Chief Staf…" with ❤️ 00:37:36 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout out to Brittan..." with ❤️ 00:37:38 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Go team go!" with ❤️ 00:37:49 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to Bailey in t…" with ❤️ 00:37:53 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Shout out to Brittan..." with ❤️ 00:37:58 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "Shout out to Brittan..." with ❤️ 00:38:17 Talayia Johnson: Thankful to Dr. Wade, Mr. Rains, and Dr. Matute for handling a tough student situation well! 00:38:28 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thankful to Dr. Wade…" with ❤️ 00:38:30 JMoran: Reacted to "Thankful to Dr. Wade..." with ❤️ 00:38:37 Kyanna Beard | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Shout out to Daphne...." with 💜 00:38:40 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: shout out to ALL the amazing part time Admissions team!!! 00:38:44 KA Heintz: I know a few years ago we discussed changing the locks on doors so we can lock our classrooms doors from inside. Is that still being considered? 00:38:47 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Reacted to "I know a few years a..." with ❤️ 00:38:59 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Reacted to "shout out to ALL the..." with ❤️ 00:39:05 Sheryl Coleman: Reacted to "shout out to ALL the..." with ❤️ 00:39:11 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Kudos to Bailey in t..." with ❤️ 00:39:14 Christy Spann: Reacted to "shout out to ALL the..." with ❤️ 00:39:14 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Thankful to Dr. Wade..." with ❤️ 00:39:17 UAPTC | John Lewis: Great teamwork by Robert and his Financial Aid team in conjunction with Kevin and the Bursar's team for disbursing MILLIONS of dollars in student financial aid refunds! 00:39:19 Braziel: The doors open the wrong direction; they cannot be secured easily from inside. 00:39:19 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "shout out to ALL the..." with ❤️ 00:39:25 Mindy Hodges: Kudos to Ashley and the Registrar’s office for all their work and problem solving as we learn how to help students in Workday! 00:39:31 Angela Kremers: Thank you to Regina and the HR team, you are always a lifeline for resources and support! 00:39:31 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: https://uaptc.edu/sac Early Alert Submission Form 00:39:32 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Great teamwork by Ro..." with ❤️ 00:39:34 Lindsey Fricks: Thank you to Rayvonn for all her help with planning our open house next week!! 00:39:38 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Kudos to Ashley and ..." with 💜 00:39:40 Summer DeProw: Reacted to "https://uaptc.edu/sa..." with 👏 00:39:42 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Ashley and ..." with 💜 00:39:43 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "Kudos to Ashley and ..." with ❤️ 00:39:48 Jim Porter: Question about legislation. Remark about Security 00:39:48 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Kudos to Ashley and ..." with ❤️ 00:39:57 UA-PTC | Natalie: Shout out to Dr. Hunt, she is always so helpful and gracious. 00:39:59 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "https://uaptc.edu/sa..." with ❤️ 00:40:00 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shout out to Dr. Hun…" with ❤️ 00:40:03 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Thank you to Rayvonn..." with ❤️ 00:40:04 Sheryl Coleman: Reacted to "Shout out to Dr. Hun..." with ❤️ 00:40:05 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shout out to Dr. Hun..." with 💜 00:40:06 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "https://uaptc.edu/sa…" with ❤️ 00:40:10 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thank you to Regina …" with ❤️ 00:40:13 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Thank you to Rayvonn..." with ❤️ 00:40:17 Sheryl Coleman: Reacted to "Thank you to Regina ..." with ❤️ 00:40:20 Angela Kremers: Dr. Hunt is amazing! 00:40:28 Tylisha Charles: Reacted to "shout out to ALL the…" with ❤️ 00:40:30 UAPTC | John Lewis: Reacted to "Dr. Hunt is amazing!" with ❤️ 00:40:38 UA-PTC | Natalie: Reacted to "Dr. Hunt is amazing!" with ❤️ 00:40:39 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Dr. Hunt is amazing!" with ❤️ 00:40:42 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Shout out to the Senate Presidents - Curtis, Crutchfield, and Beauregard - you are really engaged and leading by example. It's great to see! 00:40:42 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Best Chancellor ever..." with 💜 00:40:48 Angela Kremers: Replying to "Yes! Thank you Dr. ..." Agree! 00:40:51 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Yes! Thank you Dr. ..." with ❤️ 00:40:51 Lilly Dixon: Shout out to Dee Smith for the work she is doing in Testing! 00:40:58 Summer DeProw: Reacted to "Best Chancellor ever..." with 🥰 00:41:02 Braden T: Reacted to "Shout out to Dee Smi..." with 🎉 00:41:02 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout out to Dee Smi..." with ❤️ 00:41:03 Mindy Hodges: Kudos to JoNece Fields for stepping into leadership on the Grievance Committee, she is awesome! 00:41:06 Summer DeProw: Reacted to "Shout out to the Sen..." with 👏 00:41:08 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Shout out to Dee Smi..." with 🎉 00:41:09 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shout out to Dee Smi…" with ❤️ 00:41:13 Shannon Wilcox: Reacted to "Kudos to JoNece Fiel…" with ❤️ 00:41:15 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Kudos to JoNece Fiel..." with ❤️ 00:41:16 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Dr. Hunt is amazing!" with ❤️ 00:41:16 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to JoNece Fiel..." with ❤️ 00:41:17 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shout out to the Sen..." with 👏 00:41:19 UAPTC | John Lewis: Give it up for Michelle Anderson for always handling student "situations" with such grace! 00:41:26 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Ms. Lilly!! She is the sweetest, most helpful person. She's the best! 00:41:31 Shannon Wilcox: Reacted to "Ms. Lilly!! She is …" with ❤️ 00:41:33 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Ms. Lilly!! She is ..." with 💜 00:41:34 KA Heintz: Reacted to "Give it up for Miche..." with ❤️ 00:41:36 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Give it up for Miche..." with ❤️ 00:41:37 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Great teamwork by Ro…" with ❤️ 00:41:37 joandudley: Reacted to "Ms. Lilly!! She is ..." with ❤️ 00:41:41 Mary Gall - UAPTC: Reacted to "Shout out to Dr. Hun..." with ❤️ 00:41:43 Ben rains: Reacted to "Ms. Lilly!! She is ..." with ❤️ 00:41:47 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Ms. Lilly!! She is ..." with ❤️ 00:41:47 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Ms. Lilly!! She is ..." with ❤️ 00:41:49 Logan: Kate Evans and Meredith Stanton are hosting another Spooky Stories Open Mic and Costume Contest: students, faculty, and staff are welcome. Jeremy Bakalekos has a great accompanying program to go on during the readings. We've been holding this for several years now, and it's really cool. It's on Halloween Day 12:30 -2:00 and will be back in CHARTS this year. 00:41:50 Mary Gall - UAPTC: Reacted to "Dr. Hunt is amazing!" with ❤️ 00:41:50 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "I know a few years a…" with ❤️ 00:41:54 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "shout out to ALL the…" with ❤️ 00:41:54 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "Shout out to the Sen..." with ❤️ 00:41:54 Ben rains: Yes. I want to give Ms Lilly a shout out and kudo! 00:41:59 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Kate Evans and Mered..." with ❤️ 00:42:02 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kate Evans and Mered..." with 👏 00:42:02 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "Shout out to Dee Smi..." with ❤️ 00:42:08 Jeremy Isome: Reacted to "Ms. Lilly!! She is ..." with ❤️ 00:42:08 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Yes. I want to give ..." with ❤️ 00:42:16 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "Give it up for Miche..." with ❤️ 00:42:18 Jennifer Atkins-Gordeeva (she/her) (AT-kinz-gor-DAY-yev-uh): If a faculty member is in a position that they feel like they need to ask a student to leave class, but physical safety is not the concern, what would you recommend? 00:42:20 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kate Evans and Mered…" with ❤️ 00:42:21 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "Ms. Lilly!! She is ..." with ❤️ 00:42:21 UAPTC - Rita Fleming: Congratulations to Regina Fossette for chairing the joint ARCUPA and AACUBO meeting in Jonesboro this month. Great attendance and great info shared in the meetings! 00:42:24 Mary Gall - UAPTC: Reacted to "Ms. Lilly!! She is ..." with ❤️ 00:42:25 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Yes. I want to give …" with ❤️ 00:42:35 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Congratulations to R..." with 👏 00:42:37 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Congratulations to R…" with 👏 00:42:42 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Congratulations to R..." with 👏 00:43:04 jstandley: Thank you Dr. DeProw 00:43:07 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Ms. Lilly!! She is …" with ❤️ 00:43:10 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Give it up for Miche…" with ❤️ 00:43:13 Sharon Cantrell: Thank you, Dr. Hunt, for always being a wealth of knowledge and having such an open mind for all of our projects. 00:43:18 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "Thank you Dr. DeProw" with 👏 00:43:24 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Thank you, Dr. Hunt,..." with 💜 00:43:27 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Thank you Dr. DeProw" with 👏 00:43:29 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thank you Dr. DeProw" with 👏 00:43:30 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Congratulations to R..." with ❤️ 00:43:33 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thank you, Dr. Hunt,…" with 💜 00:43:37 JMoran: Reacted to "Thank you to Rayvonn..." with ❤️ 00:43:54 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Congrats to Amanda Kennedy and Ashley for being selected for ACC Leadership!!!!! Amazed and Proud of you!! 00:43:54 Logan: Kudos to Director of Admissions Kyanna Beard, who was sworn in as President of the Arkansas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers in North Little Rock last week. 00:44:01 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Congrats to Amanda K…" with ❤️ 00:44:05 UAPTC - Wayne Floyd: It is resolved as of Friday of last week 00:44:06 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Congrats to Amanda K..." with 💜 00:44:07 UA-PTC | Ashley Henry-Saorrono: Reacted to "It is resolved as of..." with 🥳 00:44:09 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to Director of…" with ❤️ 00:44:10 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Thank you, Dr. Hunt,..." with 💜 00:44:11 UAPTC | John Lewis: Reacted to "Kudos to Director of..." with ❤️ 00:44:15 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Reacted to "Congrats to Amanda K..." with ❤️ 00:44:15 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "It is resolved as of…" with 🥳 00:44:16 UA-PTC | Ashley Henry-Saorrono: Reacted to "Kudos to Director of..." with 🥳 00:44:18 UAPTC | John Lewis: Reacted to "Congrats to Amanda K..." with ❤️ 00:44:21 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "It is resolved as of..." with 👏 00:44:22 Lindsay Kullenberg: Reacted to "Kudos to Director of…" with ❤️ 00:44:22 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "Kudos to Director of..." with 🎉 00:44:29 Lindsay Kullenberg: Reacted to "Congrats to Amanda K…" with ❤️ 00:44:31 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Congrats to Amanda K..." with ❤️ 00:44:45 Sharon Cantrell: Reacted to "Thank you Dr. DeProw" with ❤️ 00:44:48 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Kudos to Ashley and ..." with 💜 00:44:57 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "https://uaptc.edu/sa..." with ❤️ 00:45:00 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Thank you to Rayvonn..." with ❤️ 00:45:03 Lindsay Kullenberg: Replying to "Congrats to Amanda K…" Whoo hoo! Such great assets!!! 00:45:04 Mindy Hodges: Way to go Jacob! 00:45:04 Logan: Kudos to Monsurat Salami! The Arkansas Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ACTM) awards committee presented Monsurat Salami, Assistant Teaching Professor of Mathematics, with the 2024 ACTM Excellence in Two-year College Mathematics Teaching Award. She will be honored during a lunch ceremony at the annual ACTM state conference on Nov. 15 at Arch Ford Education Cooperative in Plumerville, AR. 00:45:04 Traci Johnston: Kudos to Kami Hicks, who is serving as the President of the Arkansas Early Childhood Association-Central Arkansas affiliate. 00:45:07 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shout out to Dr. Hun..." with ❤️ 00:45:09 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Dr. Hunt is amazing!" with ❤️ 00:45:10 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "Way to go Jacob!" with 👏 00:45:14 Angela Kremers: Way to go Jacob for seeing something and saying something for the safety of students and faculty! 00:45:15 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shout out to the Sen..." with ❤️ 00:45:15 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to Monsurat Sa…" with 👏 00:45:18 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Director of..." with 🥳 00:45:19 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Kudos to Kami Hicks,..." with 👏 00:45:23 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shout out to Dee Smi..." with ❤️ 00:45:23 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "It is resolved as of..." with 🥳 00:45:25 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Way to go Jacob for …" with ❤️ 00:45:25 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Kudos to JoNece Fiel..." with ❤️ 00:45:25 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Kudos to Kami Hicks,..." with ❤️ 00:45:26 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Way to go Jacob!" with 👏 00:45:28 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "Kudos to Monsurat Sa..." with 🎉 00:45:28 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Give it up for Miche..." with ❤️ 00:45:29 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Monsurat Sa..." with 👏 00:45:30 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Ms. Lilly!! She is ..." with ❤️ 00:45:31 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Way to go Jacob for ..." with ❤️ 00:45:35 Tylisha Charles: Reacted to "Kudos to Director of…" with ❤️ 00:45:35 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Kami Hicks,..." with 👏 00:45:35 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Yes. I want to give ..." with ❤️ 00:45:38 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Way to go Jacob for ..." with ❤️ 00:45:39 Jeff Robertson: Thank you Jacob! 00:45:44 jstandley: Reacted to "Thank you Jacob!" with ❤️ 00:45:45 Rebecca Boswell: Kudos to Curt Crook for being the best boss! 00:45:47 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thank you Jacob!" with ❤️ 00:45:48 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Kudos to Director of..." with ❤️ 00:45:50 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "Way to go Jacob for ..." with ❤️ 00:45:51 Logan: Kudos to Kim Blackmon! She has been selected to participate in the 40th class of Leadership Greater Little Rock. 00:45:54 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "Way to go Jacob for ..." with ❤️ 00:45:55 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to Kim Blackmo…" with ❤️ 00:45:59 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Kudos to Kim Blackmo..." with 👏 00:46:00 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "Kudos to Kim Blackmo..." with ❤️ 00:46:01 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : CAHMI cell service is non existent in our product ID. That is our storm shelter. 00:46:09 Logan: This is huge! 00:46:10 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Kudos to Curt Crook ..." with ❤️ 00:46:14 Kimberly Blackmon: Reacted to "Kudos to Kim Blackmo..." with ❤️ 00:46:15 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "This is huge!" with ❤️ 00:46:22 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Kudos to Robley for helping with the vendor connections at ACC 00:46:26 Logan: All the kudos in the world right here: Vice Chancellor for Finance Rita Fleming was presented a lifetime achievement award for financial leadership and extraordinary accomplishment in Arkansas Higher Education by the Arkansas Association of College and University Business Officers. 00:46:28 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "This is huge!" with ❤️ 00:46:30 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to Robley for …" with ❤️ 00:46:34 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Kim Blackmo..." with ❤️ 00:46:37 Sharon Cantrell: Congratulations Rita Fleming for receiving the lifetime achievement award for financial leadership and extraordinary accomplishment in Arkansas Higher Education by the Arkansas Association of College and University Business Officers. 00:46:38 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Reacted to "All the kudos in the..." with ❤️ 00:46:38 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "All the kudos in the…" with ❤️ 00:46:40 Lindsay Kullenberg: Replying to "Kudos to JoNece Fiel…" She is awesome! 00:46:52 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "She is awesome!" with ❤️ 00:46:52 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "All the kudos in the..." with ❤️ 00:46:58 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Congratulations Rita..." with ❤️ 00:46:58 Angela Kremers: Thank you Dr. DeProw for the planning for lock down project for safety! 00:46:59 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Congratulations Rita…" with ❤️ 00:47:08 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Thank you Dr. DeProw..." with ❤️ 00:47:09 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thank you Dr. DeProw…" with ❤️ 00:47:10 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Congratulations Rita..." with 💜 00:47:11 Traci Johnston: Reacted to "Thank you Dr. DeProw..." with ❤️ 00:47:22 Kim Kullander: Reacted to "Kudos to Monsurat Sa..." with 👏 00:47:24 Lilly Dixon: Reacted to "Shout out to Dr. H..." with ❤️ 00:47:25 Angela Kremers: Replying to "Congratulations Rita..." We are so lucky to have Rita at UAPTC! 00:47:26 Sharon Cantrell: Reacted to "Thank you Dr. DeProw..." with ❤️ 00:47:38 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "All the kudos in the..." with ❤️ 00:47:39 Summer DeProw: Reacted to "Congratulations Rita..." with ❤️ 00:47:42 Lilly Dixon: Reacted to "shout out to ALL t..." with ❤️ 00:47:42 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "We are so lucky to h..." with ❤️ 00:47:52 Lilly Dixon: Reacted to "Kudos to Kyanna Be..." with ❤️ 00:47:56 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "Congratulations Rita..." with ❤️ 00:48:16 Mindy Hodges: Thanks for asking that Jim! 00:48:25 UA-PTC | Ashley Henry-Saorrono: Kudos to the Workday Student team for staying halfway sane during this first live semester! 00:48:28 Kami Hicks: Reacted to "Big shout out to Kel..." with ❤️ 00:48:31 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to the Workday…" with ❤️ 00:48:35 Lilly Dixon: Reacted to "Shoutout to Daphne..." with ❤️ 00:48:48 Rebecca Boswell: Kudos to Jonathan Purkiss-Jones, Kiki Heintz, Jessica Wise, Alan Lemmon and Jamie Ryan for always being willing to help out in advising! 00:48:52 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to Jonathan Pu…" with ❤️ 00:48:56 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Big thanks to the LRS folks!! Jeff, CHristy, Caitlyn, Kaley and Sophia!! 00:48:58 UA-PTC | Ashley Henry-Saorrono: Kudos to faculty to adjusting to the new WD processes with grace and professionalism! The registrar appreciates you! 00:49:03 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Kudos to the Workday..." with ❤️ 00:49:05 Logan: Kudos to Michele Grainger, who runs this wild scholarship committee. 00:49:05 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to faculty to …" with ❤️ 00:49:08 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to the Workday..." with ❤️ 00:49:09 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Kudos to Jonathan Pu..." with ❤️ 00:49:09 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to Michele Gra…" with ❤️ 00:49:12 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Jonathan Pu..." with ❤️ 00:49:21 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Michele Gra..." with ❤️ 00:49:23 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Kudos to faculty to ..." with ❤️ 00:49:27 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "Kudos to the Workday..." with ❤️ 00:49:29 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Kudos to Michele Gra..." with ❤️ 00:49:37 Talayia Johnson: We are grateful to Dr. Hunt for all that she does for our academic areas to ensure that we take care of our faculty and students! 00:49:43 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "We are grateful to D…" with ❤️ 00:49:54 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "Thank you Dr. DeProw..." with ❤️ 00:49:56 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Thank you Dr. DeProw…" with ❤️ 00:50:03 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "We are grateful to D..." with 💜 00:50:08 Kami Hicks: Reacted to "Kudos to Kami Hicks,..." with ❤️ 00:50:10 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Kudos to Michele Gra..." with 👏 00:50:12 Nichole Kesselberg: Reacted to "Congratulations Rita..." with ❤️ 00:50:21 Kristen Karetov: Kudos to @Bruce Thomas for starting the SkillsUSA rally this morning! Can't wait to represent UAPTC at the state conference in April and I can't wait to see how many students get to participate in their competitions! I'd love to talk to you about SkillsUSA if interested! 00:50:33 Kami Hicks: Replying to "Kudos to Kami Hicks,..." Thank you! ❤️ 00:50:36 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Kami Hicks,..." with ❤️ 00:50:42 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to Kami Hicks,…" with 👏 00:50:47 Kristen Karetov: Reacted to "Kudos to Kami Hicks,..." with 👏 00:50:48 Logan: Kudos to Ja'Colby Easter for keeping things cranking down in the Theater with student activities, events, programs, all kinds of awesome stuff. 00:50:50 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to @Bruce Thom..." with ❤️ 00:50:51 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to @Bruce Thom…" with 👏 00:50:55 Matthew Lemaster: Reacted to "Kudos to @Bruce Thom..." with 👏 00:50:58 Mary Gall - UAPTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Ja'Colby Ea..." with ❤️ 00:51:00 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to Ja'Colby Ea…" with ❤️ 00:51:09 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Kudos to Ja'Colby Ea..." with ❤️ 00:51:14 Lilly Dixon: Reacted to "Kudos to Director ..." with ❤️ 00:51:21 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "Kudos to Jonathan Pu..." with ❤️ 00:51:23 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Ja'Colby Ea..." with ❤️ 00:51:35 joandudley: Thanks for addressing this. 00:51:38 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thanks for addressin…" with ❤️ 00:51:40 Logan: Kudos to Jeremy Bakalekos for keeping things cranking down in the Theater with student activities, events, programs, all kinds of awesome stuff. 00:51:45 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to Jeremy Baka…" with ❤️ 00:51:58 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Jeremy Baka..." with ❤️ 00:51:59 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shout out to Regina!..." with 💜 00:51:59 Kristen Karetov: Reacted to "Kudos to Jeremy Baka..." with ❤️ 00:52:11 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Dr. Hunt is amazing!" with ❤️ 00:52:11 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Shout out to Dr. Hun…" with ❤️ 00:52:30 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Kudos to Jeremy Baka..." with 👏 00:52:38 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Kudos to the Workday..." with ❤️ 00:52:42 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Kudos to Jonathan Pu..." with ❤️ 00:52:42 Rebecca Boswell: Kudos to Robbie Gill for all she is doing with our Career Services office! 00:52:43 Logan: Kudos to Michele Grainger for keeping things cranking down in the Theater with student activities, events, programs, all kinds of awesome stuff. That Foundation team is constantly trying to come up with great stuff for students. Little stuff, big stuff, all kinds of great stuff. 00:52:45 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Kudos to faculty to ..." with ❤️ 00:52:47 Nichole Kesselberg: 4k 00:52:49 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Kudos to Michele Gra..." with ❤️ 00:52:50 Robley Easterly: a bunch... lol 00:52:50 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Kudos to Robbie Gill..." with 👏 00:52:51 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "We are grateful to D..." with 💜 00:52:53 Mindy Hodges: Thank you to Dr. DeProw for bringing experts to campus when needed to properly address issues! 00:52:54 KA Heintz: Way to go admissions! 00:52:54 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Kudos to @Bruce Thom..." with ❤️ 00:52:55 Aaron Hall: at least 1 00:52:55 Melissa Hendricks: Remind your students to apply for Foundation scholarships by October 25 at uaptc.edu/foundation/scholarships! We need your student applications! 00:53:02 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Thank you to Dr. DeP..." with 💜 00:53:07 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Kudos to Robbie Gill..." with ❤️ 00:53:08 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to Robbie Gill…" with 👏 00:53:12 htjones: woot woot! 00:53:14 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to Michele Gra…" with ❤️ 00:53:18 Kristen Karetov: 👏👏👏👏👏👏 00:53:21 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Way to go admissions…" with ❤️ 00:53:22 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "at least 1" with 😂 00:53:25 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Remind your students..." with ❤️ 00:53:27 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Remind your students…" with ❤️ 00:53:32 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Congrats to Amanda K..." with ❤️ 00:53:38 Summer DeProw: Reacted to "Remind your students..." with ❤️ 00:53:38 Tylisha Charles: Great job, Recruiting Team! 00:53:40 Angela Kremers: Go UAPTC! 🥳 00:53:40 UA-PTC | Ashley Henry-Saorrono: Replying to "Way to go admissions..." Literal ROCKSTARS! 00:53:46 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Kudos to Robbie Gill..." with ❤️ 00:53:47 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Go UAPTC! 🥳" with ❤️ 00:53:48 Nichole Kesselberg: So good! I can see a difference, it's exciting! Life is back on campus. 00:53:50 Summer DeProw: OH YES! Scholarship applications are due October 25! 00:53:51 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Replying to "Congrats to Amanda K..." THey absolutely ARE! 00:53:51 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "So good! I can see a…" with ❤️ 00:53:57 Mark Stafford: I want to thank all of my officers and staff for doing a great job of serving and protecting our students, faculty, and staff. 00:53:59 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Whoo hoo! Such great..." with ❤️ 00:54:03 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Great job, Recruitin…" with ❤️ 00:54:06 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "I want to thank all ..." with ❤️ 00:54:08 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "So good! I can see a..." with 💜 00:54:09 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "Kudos to Michele Gra..." with ❤️ 00:54:13 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "OH YES! Scholarship …" with ❤️ 00:54:14 KA Heintz: Reacted to "I want to thank all ..." with ❤️ 00:54:15 jstandley: Reacted to "I want to thank all ..." with ❤️ 00:54:16 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "I want to thank all …" with ❤️ 00:54:20 UA-PTC | Natalie: Reacted to "I want to thank all ..." with ❤️ 00:54:20 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "Kudos to Jeremy Baka..." with ❤️ 00:54:20 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "Congrats to Amanda K..." with ❤️ 00:54:21 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "I want to thank all ..." with ❤️ 00:54:23 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "I want to thank all ..." with 💜 00:54:27 Kristen Karetov: Reacted to "I want to thank all ..." with ❤️ 00:54:29 Summer DeProw: Mark and his team are TOP SHELF! Call them if you just need advice! 00:54:29 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "So good! I can see a..." with ❤️ 00:54:30 Sharon Cantrell: Replying to "Congrats to Amanda K..." Congratulations! 00:54:32 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Reacted to "I want to thank all ..." with ❤️ 00:54:33 Nichole Kesselberg: Reacted to "I want to thank all ..." with ❤️ 00:54:40 UA-PTC | Ashley Henry-Saorrono: Reminder: it's census today for 8WeekII 🙂 Certify your rosters, please. 00:54:46 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "Mark and his team ar..." with ❤️ 00:54:46 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Michele Gra..." with ❤️ 00:54:49 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Mark and his team ar…" with ❤️ 00:54:56 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Reminder: it's censu…" with ❤️ 00:54:57 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Thank you to Dr. DeP..." with 💜 00:54:57 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Reminder: it's censu..." with 👍 00:54:59 Jerikka Williams: Reacted to "Kudos to Robbie Gi..." with 👏 00:55:02 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Remind your students..." with ❤️ 00:55:03 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Mark and his team ar..." with 💜 00:55:04 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Reminder: it's censu..." with ❤️ 00:55:08 Mary Gall - UAPTC: Reacted to "I want to thank all ..." with ❤️ 00:55:10 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Great job, Recruitin..." with ❤️ 00:55:15 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Go UAPTC! 🥳" with ❤️ 00:55:20 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Way to go admissions..." with ❤️ 00:55:26 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Literal ROCKSTARS!" with ❤️ 00:55:26 KA Heintz: Reacted to "Reminder: it's censu..." with 👍 00:55:33 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "OH YES! Scholarship ..." with ❤️ 00:55:39 Logan: Kudos to Dr. John Lewis and this team for getting students in. They have improved so much in their process of getting folks taken care of and enrolled. 00:55:45 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "I want to thank all ..." with ❤️ 00:55:46 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to Dr. John Le…" with ❤️ 00:55:56 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Kudos to Dr. John Le..." with 👏 00:56:03 Krystina: Thank you to Michele Grainger and Melissa Hendricks for all they do!! ❤️ 00:56:07 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thank you to Michele…" with ❤️ 00:56:11 Tylisha Charles: Reacted to "Kudos to Dr. John Le…" with ❤️ 00:56:12 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Reminder: it's censu..." with 👍 00:56:18 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Dr. John Le..." with ❤️ 00:56:25 Logan: Please let 's be just hugs and roses just for a day. 00:56:32 Logan: Reacted to "Thank you to Michele..." with ❤️ 00:56:37 Summer DeProw: Reacted to "Please let 's be jus..." with 😁 00:56:46 Logan: Reacted to "Reminder: it's censu..." with 👍 00:56:48 Krystina: Reacted to "Please let 's be jus…" with ❤️ 00:56:57 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "I want to thank all ..." with ❤️ 00:57:17 Angela Kremers: Thank you to all of the leadership team who came to speak with the HVAC accreditation team yesterday! We had a great showing of support! 00:57:22 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "Thank you to all of ..." with 👏 00:57:27 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Thank you to all of ..." with 👏 00:57:28 Matthew Lemaster: Reacted to "Thank you to all of ..." with 👏 00:57:36 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thank you to all of …" with 👏 00:57:40 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Please let 's be jus…" with ❤️ 00:57:43 Angela Kremers: Thank you Nichole for doing such a great job with Perkins! 00:57:43 Kyanna Beard | UA-PTC: Huge Shoutout to all Admissions Counselors, Admissions Coordinator, Admissions Admins, Recruitment Coordinators, Welcome Center Staff, and Dr. Miller!!! ❤️💙 00:57:48 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thank you Nichole fo…" with ❤️ 00:57:56 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Huge Shoutout to all…" with ❤️ 00:57:57 Kristen Karetov: Reacted to "Huge Shoutout to all..." with ❤️ 00:58:03 Tylisha Charles: Reacted to "Huge Shoutout to all…" with ❤️ 00:58:04 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Huge Shoutout to all..." with ❤️ 00:58:23 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Thank you Nichole fo..." with ❤️ 00:58:29 Nichole Kesselberg: Replying to "Thank you Nichole fo..." Thank you 🙂 00:58:30 UA-PTC | Ashley Henry-Saorrono: RPT - Find My Advisees Expanded View 00:58:33 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "Thank you Nichole fo..." with ❤️ 00:58:40 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "RPT - Find My Advise…" with ❤️ 00:58:46 Sharon Cantrell: Shout out to the BIC Team for always being so flexible and nimble to do what it takes to meet the needs of our business and industry partners! 00:58:46 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Kudos to all advisors (staff and faculty) for the huge push and great work done to reach that increase!! 00:58:52 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shout out to the BIC…" with ❤️ 00:58:52 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shout out to the BIC..." with 💜 00:58:54 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to all advisor..." with ❤️ 00:58:55 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to all advisor…" with ❤️ 00:58:56 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Shout out to the BIC..." with ❤️ 00:58:59 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "RPT - Find My Advise..." with ❤️ 00:59:13 Angela Kremers: Shout out to LeeAnn Reynolds, she has been a tremendous asset to our team! She keeps us organized and keeps us laughing! 00:59:17 Logan: Shoutout to Kristen Chadwick for being the most amazing colleague in this world. 00:59:20 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shout out to LeeAnn …" with ❤️ 00:59:22 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Shout out to LeeAnn ..." with ❤️ 00:59:22 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "Shout out to LeeAnn ..." with ❤️ 00:59:24 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "RPT - Find My Advise..." with ❤️ 00:59:24 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shoutout to Kristen …" with ❤️ 00:59:25 Talayia Johnson: Reacted to "Reminder: it's censu..." with 👍 00:59:26 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "Shoutout to Kristen ..." with ❤️ 00:59:27 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout out to the BIC..." with ❤️ 00:59:27 Kristen Karetov: Reacted to "Shout out to LeeAnn ..." with ❤️ 00:59:29 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Shoutout to Kristen ..." with ❤️ 00:59:30 Nichole Kesselberg: Reacted to "Shoutout to Kristen ..." with 👍🏻 00:59:32 Dr. Vondra Armstrong: Dr. DeProw many of us see that all the time. Physical attendance yet zero homework. 00:59:32 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Reacted to "Shoutout to Kristen ..." with ❤️ 00:59:37 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Kudos to all advisor..." with ❤️ 00:59:40 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Replying to "Shout out to LeeAnn ..." She is bees knees!!!! 00:59:41 jfields: Reacted to "Dr. DeProw many of u..." with 👍 00:59:43 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Dr. DeProw many of u…" with 😩 00:59:46 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "She is bees knees!!!..." with 💜 00:59:50 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Dr. DeProw many of u..." with 😩 00:59:51 UA-PTC | Ashley Henry-Saorrono: Replying to "Shoutout to Kristen ..." This!!! 00:59:51 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: If you have students that are doing the same thing (or not coming at all), please submit an alert. I would love to reach out to those students. 00:59:51 UAPTC | Billie Egli: Shout out to the Payroll team of Daisha Barfield and Bobby McDonald for their excellent work every day! 00:59:56 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shoutout to Kristen ..." with 💜 00:59:57 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "She is bees knees!!!..." with 💜 01:00:00 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout out to LeeAnn ..." with ❤️ 01:00:00 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "Shoutout to Kristen ..." with ❤️ 01:00:04 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "If you have students…" with ❤️ 01:00:08 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shout out to the Pay…" with ❤️ 01:00:09 jstandley: Reacted to "Shout out to the Pay..." with ❤️ 01:00:15 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shoutout to Kristen ..." with ❤️ 01:00:16 dwade: Reacted to "If you have students..." with ❤️ 01:00:17 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "Dr. DeProw many of u..." with 😩 01:00:18 Robley Easterly: Reacted to "Shout out to the Pay..." with ❤️ 01:00:23 Beverly Brister: Reacted to "She is bees knees!!!..." with 💚 01:00:24 Kristen Karetov: Reacted to "Dr. DeProw many of u..." with 👍 01:00:25 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "Kudos to all advisor..." with ❤️ 01:00:30 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "If you have students..." with ❤️ 01:00:30 Kimberly Blackmon: GS10KSB Alabama is in full swing and we are exactly one month away from graduation! We have some super talented small business owners. 01:00:34 Angela Kremers: Thank you to Sharon Cantrell for always working at the highest level to meet industry needs! She is the most organized person I have ever met in my life! 💜 01:00:34 Jim Porter: Marketing Director Jon Lewis working himself into a bonus! Fine work sir. 01:00:34 Bobby McDonald - UAPTC: Reacted to "Shout out to the Pay..." with ❤️ 01:00:35 Mary Gall - UAPTC: Reacted to "Shout out to LeeAnn ..." with ❤️ 01:00:37 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shout out to the Pay..." with ❤️ 01:00:38 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thank you to Sharon …" with ❤️ 01:00:38 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Shout out to the best procurement team ever!!!! 01:00:41 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "GS10KSB Alabama is i..." with 👏 01:00:41 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "GS10KSB Alabama is i..." with ❤️ 01:00:43 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "GS10KSB Alabama is i…" with ❤️ 01:00:50 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shout out to the bes…" with ❤️ 01:00:51 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "Shoutout to Kristen ..." with ❤️ 01:00:53 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Marketing Director J…" with ❤️ 01:00:53 KA Heintz: Reacted to "Thank you to Sharon ..." with ❤️ 01:00:54 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Reacted to "Shout out to the bes..." with ❤️ 01:00:57 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shout out to the bes..." with 💜 01:00:59 Krystina: Reacted to "Shout out to the bes…" with ❤️ 01:01:01 Logan: Shoutout to Ashley Henry-Saorrono for being a great leader and collaborator. She is direct and understanding. She's fantastic. 01:01:08 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shoutout to Ashley H…" with ❤️ 01:01:10 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Shoutout to Ashley H..." with ❤️ 01:01:11 John Price: I’m back 01:01:12 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "Shout out to the Pay..." with ❤️ 01:01:13 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Shoutout to Ashley H..." with 💜 01:01:13 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "Shoutout to Ashley H..." with ❤️ 01:01:21 Kristen Karetov: Replying to "Dr. DeProw many of u..." Even after talking with the students and telling them that they HAVE to do the assignments or else all their attendance goes to nothing. 🙁 01:01:29 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : 26 3D students! Ready for more!! 01:01:30 UAPTC | Billie Egli: Another shout out to the HR team, Regina, Natalie and Breuhna for their excellent service to the UAPTC community. 01:01:45 Krystina: Reacted to "Another shout out to…" with ❤️ 01:01:45 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Shoutout to Ashley H..." with ❤️ 01:01:56 Mary Gall - UAPTC: Reacted to "Another shout out to..." with ❤️ 01:02:01 Heather Smith: Reacted to "Shoutout to Ashley H..." with ❤️ 01:02:09 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Another shout out to..." with ❤️ 01:02:09 Lindsay Kullenberg: Replying to "GS10KSB Alabama is i…" And thank you, Kimberly, for your great leadership! 01:02:27 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Way to go admissions..." with ❤️ 01:02:29 Krystina: Reacted to "GS10KSB Alabama is i…" with ❤️ 01:02:54 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Kudos to Dr. John Le..." with ❤️ 01:02:55 Sharon Cantrell: Replying to "Thank you to Sharon ..." Thank you, Dr. K.! 😊 01:02:57 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Thank you to Michele..." with ❤️ 01:03:04 Dr. Vondra Armstrong: I invited Blaise to share with my hybrid students and she did a phenomenal job. I know they have a person they can turn to. 01:03:04 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Thank you to all of ..." with 👏 01:03:07 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Huge Shoutout to all..." with ❤️ 01:03:11 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "I invited Blaise to ..." with ❤️ 01:03:11 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Thank you Nichole fo..." with ❤️ 01:03:27 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Replying to "I invited Blaise to ..." Thank you for the invitation! 01:03:32 UA-PTC | Natalie: Reacted to "Another shout out to..." with ❤️ 01:03:41 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Need to brag on ever…" with 💜 01:03:48 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Proud of the HVAC pr…" with ❤️ 01:03:48 Sharon Cantrell: Replying to "GS10KSB Alabama is i..." The absolute best Goldman Sachs Director! 01:03:53 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Congratulations Nata…" with 💜 01:03:53 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shout out to the BIC..." with ❤️ 01:03:56 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Kudos to all advisor..." with ❤️ 01:03:59 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shout out to LeeAnn ..." with ❤️ 01:03:59 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Congrats for winning…" with ❤️ 01:04:02 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shoutout to Kristen ..." with ❤️ 01:04:04 Angela Kremers: Replying to "GS10KSB Alabama is i..." Thanks to Lindsay, Beverly, Robert, April and all of the UAPTC business faculty teaching with great expertise for GS10SB! 01:04:07 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shout out to the Pay..." with ❤️ 01:04:08 UAPTC - Rita Fleming: Congratulations Billie on completion of ACC Leadership training! And, on the great work by you and your team on the financial statements this year!! 01:04:12 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Yes they did!! The Recruitment Team goes and get 01:04:13 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "The Food Pantry saw …" with ❤️ 01:04:15 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Thank you, Dr. K.! �..." with 💜 01:04:17 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Shoutout to Ashley H..." with ❤️ 01:04:31 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Congratulations Bill..." with ❤️ 01:04:33 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Thank you to Sharon ..." with ❤️ 01:04:36 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "I invited Blaise to ..." with ❤️ 01:04:47 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Mary Margaret Debow …" with ❤️ 01:04:50 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "I'm grateful to Scie…" with ❤️ 01:04:51 Mallory Smith: Reacted to "Shout out to the bes..." with ❤️ 01:04:53 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Shout out to Dr. Ric…" with ❤️ 01:05:00 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Longhorns rock. Pro…" with 🤮 01:05:04 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Shout out to Mary Ga…" with ❤️ 01:05:12 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Shout out to Rusher …" with ❤️ 01:05:21 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Dr. Richard Moss is …" with ❤️ 01:05:26 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Special thanks to Po…" with ❤️ 01:06:00 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "I witnessed and got …" with ❤️ 01:06:05 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Dr. Hunt rocks!" with ❤️ 01:06:21 Kimberly Blackmon: Replying to "GS10KSB Alabama is i..." Thank you Sharon and Lindsay! I'm grateful for @Dr. Vondra Armstrong @Mindy Hodges @Lindsay Kullenberg @Beverly Brister April Hearne and Robert Coates for their commitment and dedication to making small big! 01:06:28 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Thank you Chief Staf…" with ❤️ 01:06:44 Sharon Cantrell: Reacted to "Thanks to Lindsay, B..." with ❤️ 01:06:54 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Thank you to Dr. DeP…" with 💜 01:06:55 Angela Kremers: Shout out to Jan and CAHMI team! The catering and events, bistro, and south paw are all doing an amazing job! 01:06:58 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Great job, Recruitin…" with ❤️ 01:07:00 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Go UAPTC! 🥳" with ❤️ 01:07:03 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Way to go admissions…" with ❤️ 01:07:08 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "OH YES! Scholarship …" with ❤️ 01:07:12 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Mark and his team ar…" with ❤️ 01:07:15 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Reminder: it's censu…" with ❤️ 01:07:17 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Go Dr. Isome! 01:07:23 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Thank you to all of …" with 👏 01:07:26 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Huge Shoutout to all…" with ❤️ 01:07:43 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Dr. DeProw many of u…" with 👍 01:07:44 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Dr. DeProw many of u…" with 😩 01:07:51 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Another shout out to…" with ❤️ 01:07:54 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Thank you to Sharon …" with ❤️ 01:08:07 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Reacted to "Shout out to Jan and…" with ❤️ 01:08:42 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "I invited Blaise to …" with ❤️ 01:08:45 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Congratulations Bill…" with ❤️ 01:08:55 Sharon Cantrell: Amanda Kennedy always works through the processes with us with professionalism and grace after a "listen"... HA We love you, Amanda!! Thank you!!! 01:08:57 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thank you Sharon and…" with ❤️ 01:09:06 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." with 💜 01:09:12 Mallory Smith: Reacted to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." with 💜 01:09:13 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." with 💜 01:09:14 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Thanks to Lindsay, B…" with ❤️ 01:09:18 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Reacted to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." with 😂 01:09:28 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "The absolute best Go…" with ❤️ 01:09:32 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "And thank you, Kimbe…" with ❤️ 01:09:36 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Replying to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." You are so right *lol* 01:09:40 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." with ❤️ 01:09:53 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Shout out to Jan and…" with ❤️ 01:09:58 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Go Dr. Isome!" with 👏 01:10:00 Jim Porter: Difference between persistence and retention? 01:10:03 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Amanda Kennedy alway…" with 💜 01:10:08 Nichole Kesselberg: Reacted to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." with 🤣 01:10:26 Nichole Kesselberg: Replying to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." Ditto. 01:10:42 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Reacted to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." with 😂 01:10:46 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Replying to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." Okay now lol 01:10:58 Nichole Kesselberg: Replying to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." Procurement office rocks! 01:11:02 UA-PTC | Ashley Henry-Saorrono: RPT - Find My Advisees Expanded View 🙂 01:11:02 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Replying to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." Your leadership is where it's at AK! So proud of your growth! 01:11:17 Mallory Smith: Reacted to "Procurement office r..." with 💜 01:11:19 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Okay now lol" with 😂 01:11:22 UAPTC | John Lewis: Reacted to "RPT - Find My Advise..." with 👍 01:11:23 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Procurement office r..." with 💜 01:11:29 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Replying to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." Back at all of yall. You guys are my role models! 01:12:21 Mallory Smith: Replying to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." I second this! We are so grateful for her ☺️ 01:12:26 Angela Kremers: DOE grant 01:12:54 Kristen Karetov: Reacted to "RPT - Find My Advise..." with 👍 01:13:00 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Replying to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." I have a wonderful team! Wouldn't be here without them. I am nothing without them? 01:13:06 Mallory Smith: Reacted to "I have a wonderful t..." with 💜 01:13:10 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Thank you Sharon and..." with 💜 01:13:19 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Replying to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." That shouldn't be a question mark by the way. eeek 01:13:21 Mallory Smith: Replying to "Amanda Kennedy alway..." Is that a statement or a question LOL 01:13:29 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Also! Kudos to Counseling and Disabilities new admin, Alan! He is doing so well! 01:13:35 Mallory Smith: Reacted to "That shouldn't be a ..." with 😂 01:13:36 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Also! Kudos to Coun..." with ❤️ 01:13:39 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Also! Kudos to Coun..." with ❤️ 01:13:47 Nichole Kesselberg: Reacted to "Also! Kudos to Coun..." with 👍🏻 01:13:52 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Reacted to "Also! Kudos to Coun..." with ❤️ 01:13:56 htjones: yes-- keywords for every program! 01:13:57 UAPTC | Amanda Kennedy: Reacted to "DOE grant" with ❤️ 01:14:00 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "That shouldn't be a ..." with 😂 01:14:01 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "Also! Kudos to Coun..." with ❤️ 01:14:04 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "DOE grant" with ❤️ 01:14:21 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: way to go, Vince! Thank you for being an expert in your field and for your openness to explore new possibilities 01:14:32 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "way to go, Vince! Th..." with 👏 01:14:40 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "way to go, Vince! Th..." with 👏 01:14:42 UAPTC | John Lewis: Reacted to "way to go, Vince! Th..." with 👍 01:14:48 Nichole Kesselberg: Replying to "way to go, Vince! Th..." Vince gives awesome tours! 01:14:54 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "way to go, Vince! Th..." with 👏 01:14:57 Rebecca Boswell: Replying to "Also! Kudos to Coun..." Yes Kudos to Alan! He is the BEST! 01:15:07 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Yes Kudos to Alan! H..." with ❤️ 01:15:15 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Replying to "Also! Kudos to Coun..." He really is :) 01:15:23 Amanda Howard: Reacted to "Also! Kudos to Coun..." with ❤️ 01:15:30 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Vince gives awesome ..." with 👏 01:15:33 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Vince gives awesome ..." with 💜 01:15:37 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "Also! Kudos to Coun..." with ❤️ 01:15:54 Mary Gall - UAPTC: Replying to "Also! Kudos to Coun..." 😀 01:16:01 Nichole Kesselberg: Louise! Thank you for all you do. ❤️ 01:16:03 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "He really is :)" with ❤️ 01:16:06 Sharon Cantrell: Can't wait to see all the pictures from David and Tim's photo shoots around campus. 01:16:08 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Can't wait to see al..." with ❤️ 01:16:14 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Sunset on HVOLT.jpg" with 💜 01:16:14 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Louise! Thank you fo..." with ❤️ 01:16:15 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Louise! Thank you fo..." with ❤️ 01:16:15 Kristen Karetov: Reacted to "Sunset on HVOLT.jpg" with 👍 01:16:15 Nichole Kesselberg: Reacted to "Sunset on HVOLT.jpg" with ❤️ 01:16:17 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "Sunset on HVOLT.jpg" with ❤️ 01:16:17 Lindsey Fricks: Reacted to "Sunset on HVOLT.jpg" with 💜 01:16:19 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "Sunset on HVOLT.jpg" with 💜 01:16:22 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "Sunset on HVOLT.jpg" with 👍 01:16:24 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Sunset on HVOLT.jpg" with ❤️ 01:16:30 Shaun Everest: Reacted to "Sunset on HVOLT.jpg" with 👍 01:16:32 MKT: Reacted to "Sunset on HVOLT.jpg" with 👍 01:16:39 Lindsay Kullenberg: Can I be an adjunct HVAC instructor temporarily? 🤣 01:16:41 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Louise! Thank you fo..." with 👏 01:16:41 Sharon Cantrell: Reacted to "Louise! Thank you fo..." with ❤️ 01:16:43 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "Go Dr. Isome!" with ❤️ 01:16:44 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Sunset on HVOLT.jpg" with ❤️ 01:16:49 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Sunset on HVOLT.jpg" with 💜 01:16:49 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Can I be an adjunct ..." with 😂 01:16:54 Matthew Lemaster: Reacted to "Can I be an adjunct ..." with 😂 01:16:54 Lilly Dixon: Reacted to "Louise! Thank you ..." with ❤️ 01:16:56 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Louise! Thank you fo…" with ❤️ 01:16:58 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Can I be an adjunct ..." with 😂 01:16:59 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "way to go, Vince! Th…" with 👏 01:17:06 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Also! Kudos to Coun…" with ❤️ 01:17:08 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "DOE grant" with ❤️ 01:17:12 Bobby McDonald - UAPTC: Reacted to "Congratulations Bill..." with ❤️ 01:17:13 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: 👏 01:17:17 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "I invited Blaise to ..." with ❤️ 01:17:19 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Can I be an adjunct …" with 😂 01:17:23 UAPTC | Billie Egli: Kudos to Amanda for her tireless work!!!!!!!!!!! 01:17:26 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "Can I be an adjunct ..." with 😂 01:17:27 Lilly Dixon: Reacted to "Amanda Kennedy alw..." with ❤️ 01:17:28 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Sunset on HVOLT.jpg" with ❤️ 01:17:29 Mindy Hodges: Reacted to "Kudos to Amanda for …" with ❤️ 01:17:30 Kimberly Blackmon: Reacted to "Can I be an adjunct ..." with 😂 01:17:31 Mary Gall - UAPTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Amanda for ..." with ❤️ 01:17:31 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "Kudos to Amanda for ..." with 💜 01:17:31 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "Kudos to Amanda for ..." with ❤️ 01:17:31 Lindsey Fricks: #TRUTH 01:17:35 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Kudos to Amanda for ..." with ❤️ 01:17:37 UAPTC | Curtis Crook: Have to run to help a student. Ya'll have a great weekend! 01:17:45 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Kudos to Amanda for ..." with ❤️ 01:17:46 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "Have to run to help ..." with ❤️ 01:17:50 Heather Smith: Reacted to "Kudos to Amanda for ..." with ❤️ 01:17:51 Lilly Dixon: Reacted to "Go Dr. Isome!" with ❤️ 01:17:58 Lindsay Kullenberg: Shoutout to Stacey in travel too for helping me not feel not quite as ignorant as I am when it comes to travel. 😆 01:17:59 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "#TRUTH" with ❤️ 01:18:04 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Can I be an adjunct ..." with 😂 01:18:09 jstandley: Reacted to "Shoutout to Stacey i..." with ❤️ 01:18:12 UA-PTC | Ana Hunt: Reacted to "20240923_185656.jpg" with ❤️ 01:18:12 Rebecca Boswell: Replying to "I invited Blaise to ..." Blaise is amazing and truly cares for our students! 01:18:16 UAPTC - Rita Fleming: 👏 to F & A Team. They are the Best!! 01:18:18 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "20240923_185656.jpg" with 👍 01:18:21 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "20240923_185656.jpg" with ❤️ 01:18:23 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Reacted to "Blaise is amazing an..." with ❤️ 01:18:23 MKT: Reacted to "20240923_185656.jpg" with 👍 01:18:25 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Blaise is amazing an..." with ❤️ 01:18:26 Mary Gall - UAPTC: Don't forget about Open Enrollment starting next week! 01:18:28 Logan: I'll second Jim. Huge Kudos to Dr. DeProw for being a strong, thoughtful leader. I'll stop there for the fear of seeming too brown-nosed for the occasion. 01:18:29 Nichole Kesselberg: Billie! You also rock. ❤️ 01:18:33 Gary Winkler: Where is the early alert system going when the portal go away 01:18:34 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "I'll second Jim. Hu..." with 💜 01:18:35 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "I'll second Jim. Hu..." with ❤️ 01:18:36 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "👏 to F & A Team. T..." with ❤️ 01:18:37 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "I'll second Jim. Hu..." with 👏 01:18:42 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "Don't forget about O..." with 👏 01:18:45 Logan: Reacted to "Billie! You also roc..." with ❤️ 01:18:45 Blaise Hale - UA Pulaski Technical College: Replying to "Where is the early a..." https://uaptc.edu/sac 01:18:47 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "If you have students..." with ❤️ 01:18:56 UAPTC - Rita Fleming: Reacted to "I'll second Jim. Hu..." with 👍 01:19:05 Daphne Hale | UA-PTC: Reacted to "I'll second Jim. Hu..." with 💜 01:19:06 htjones: Reacted to "20240923_185656.jpg" with ❤️ 01:19:20 Robbie Gill: Reacted to "Don't forget about O..." with 👏 01:19:23 Angela Kremers: Thank you for hosting the Chancellor Chin Wags! 01:19:24 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Thank you!!! 01:19:27 Katie Carr: Thank you! 01:19:30 Mallory Smith: Reacted to "I'll second Jim. Hu..." with 💜 01:19:50 Summer DeProw: Have a great weekend and thank you for all you do! 01:19:51 Jim Porter: Vivaldi rodeo?? 01:19:52 Braden T: Wonderful talk 01:19:53 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "Have to run to help ..." with ❤️ 01:20:02 Krystina: Bye everyone 01:20:09 Angela Kremers: 🤠 🐮 01:20:17 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "https://uaptc.edu/sa..." with ❤️ 01:20:47 Bruce Thomas: Reacted to "🤠 🐮" with 😂 01:20:48 Summer DeProw: Copeland 01:20:59 Rebecca Boswell: have a great weekend everyone! 01:21:04 Angela Kremers: Reacted to "have a great weekend..." with 💜 01:21:09 Angela Kremers: Replying to "have a great weekend..." you too! 01:21:18 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "you too!" with ❤️ 01:21:28 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "Wonderful talk" with ❤️ 01:21:32 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "Bye everyone" with ❤️ 01:21:38 Angela Kremers: I'm enjoying the music too much! 01:22:09 Rebecca Boswell: Reacted to "I'm enjoying the mus..." with ❤️ 01:22:15 catherine mccormack 3D faculty : Big brag to the team that navigated the pot of honey that set off CAHMI fire alarms at 10pm on Tuesday 😅 and thanks Dr DeProw for donating to food panty!