< Previouslimited to failure to immediately report all accidents and injuries, failure to comply with and/or follow safety rules and regulations, and failure to wear required personal protective equipment; 21.Use of official position and influence for personal gain; Approved by Staff Senate: January 14, 2019 8.Possessing an unauthorized weapon, firearm, or explosive on College; 9.Appropriating state or student equipment, time, or resources for personal use or gain; 10.Computer abuse, including but not being limited to, misuse of computer accounts, unauthorized destruction of files, creating illegal accounts, possession of unauthorized passwords, disruptive behavior on the computer and non-work related utilization of computer software or hardware; 11.Misusing or willfully neglecting college property, funds, materials, equipment or supplies; 12.Fighting, engaging in horseplay or acting in any manner which endangers the safety of oneself or others. This includes acts of violence as well as threats of violence; 13.Interfering in any way with the work of others; 14.Stealing or possessing without authority any equipment, tools, materials, or other property of the College or attempting to remove them from the premises without approval or permission from the appropriate authority; 15.Sexual Harassment including, but not being limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature or behaviors which create a hostile environment. Examples include: a.Verbal harassment including, but not being limited to, comments or questions about a person’s sexual behavior, sexually oriented jokes, comments or questions about a person’s body, and conversations with sexual innuendo; b.Physical harassment including, but not being limited to, unwelcome touching, fondling, patting, pinching, or kissing; and c.Direct or implied threats that failure to cooperate with the request or advance will result in negative employment consequences. 16.Improper behavior related to attendance, including excessive absenteeism, tardiness, leaving work early, extending break periods, or failure to report or work when scheduled; 17.Failure to report sick or annual leave time used; 18.Taking or attempting to take property from the College, its students, employees, visitors or patrons; 19.Providing false information on employment applications or other records; 20.Failure to comply with safety rules and regulations, including but not beingEmployees found in violation of this policy will be disciplined up to and including termination. Bullying may be intentional or unintentional. However, it must be noted that where an Approved by Staff Senate: January 14, 2019 22.Unauthorized disclosure of records or other business information; 23.Misconduct related to the use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances, including: a.Unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession or use of illegal drugs or controlled substances; b.Unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of alcoholic beverages on any property owned or maintained by UA-PTC or as a part of College activity; c.Consuming or possessing controlled substances on College premises without a prescription; d.Being under the influence of alcohol when reporting to or while at work; e.Being under the influence of controlled substances without a prescription or being under the influence of illegal drugs when reporting to or while at work; and f.Failure to pass a required drug or alcohol screen. 24.Use of vulgar or obscene language; 25.Threatening and/or intimidating other persons, fighting and/or instigating a fight, and/or horseplay; 26.Verbally abusing, physically attacking or obstructing any person; 27.Gambling on College property; 28.Acts of moral turpitude; 29.Illegal acts committed by employees when not at work that reflects adversely upon the College; and 30.Discrimination against any person based on protected status. 7.3 Workplace Bullying UA-PTC has a zero-tolerance policy for workplace bullying. UA-PTC defines bullying as “repeated inappropriate behavior, either direct or indirect, whether verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another or others, at the place of work and/or in the course of employment.” Such behavior violates the College’s policy on Civility and Courtesy and policy on Personal Conduct stating that all employees will be treated with dignity and respect. The purpose of this policy is to communicate to all employees, including supervisors, managers and executives, that the College will not tolerate bullying behavior. Approved by Staff Senate: January 14, 2019 allegation of bullying is made, the intention of the alleged bully is irrelevant and will not be given consideration when meting out discipline. As in sexual harassment, it is the effect of the behavior upon the individual that is important. UA-PTC considers the following types of behavior examples of bullying: • Verbal bullying: Slandering, ridiculing or maligning a person or their family; persistent name calling that is hurtful, insulting or humiliating; using a person as the butt of jokes; abusive and offensive remarks. • Physical bullying: Pushing, shoving, kicking, poking, tripping, assault or threat of physical assault; damage to a person’s work area or property. • Gesture bullying: Nonverbal threatening gestures or glances that convey threatening messages. For more information on the Con flict Resolution, visit http://mediaserver.uaptc.edu/policies/400-Faculty-and-Staff/405-1-3-conflict- resolution.pdf 7.4 Professional Attire Our College is a learning environment that provides classroom and real world experience. As such, our students learn what professional dress code is from observing our employees. Therefore, employee appearance should always qualify as professional and reflect in a positive manner on the College. Questions about appropriate grooming and/or dress code standards should be directed to an employee’s supervisor. Administration will provide guidance as needed to supervisors. For more information on personal appearance, visit http:// mediaserver.uaptc.edu/policies/400-Faculty-and-Staff/490-3-professional-attire.pdf 7.5 Employee Attendance Supervisors should work with their employees to determine a work schedule which meets the needs of the College. Employees must notify their immediate supervisors if they will be tardy or absent during scheduled work hours. Such notifications must be made before the employee is scheduled to arrive on the day that the tardy/absence occurs or as soon as possible when a situation prevents advance notification. All employees are required to submit leave forms to their supervisor for illness or vacation days. 7.11 Parking All Staff who operate vehicles and park on any facility of or at events sponsored by UA- Approved by Staff Senate: January 14, 2019 7.6 Commencement Attendance UA-PTC supports students from start to finish of their journey here at UA-PTC. All full- time faculty and professional non-classified staff of the UA-PTC workforce are required to attend Commencement and wear the appropriate regalia unless previously excused by an immediate supervisor. 7.7 Mandatory Training UA-PTC follows all state and federal guidelines regarding mandatory training for employees. Certain federal and state laws require training for employees with specific job functions. Employees should consult with their supervisors regarding any required training for this job position. 7.8 Required Training Additional college-wide training requirements will be decided on a case-by-case basis and approved through College Council. Supervisors may require additional training specific to their departments. 7.9 College Service Share Governance The faculty, staff, and administration of UA-PTC believe the College is best served through a shared decision-making model that utilizes the knowledge, skills, and values of its collective members to advance recommendations to the Chancellor and Board of Trustees. Staff are encouraged to participate in this decision-making model through committees and council service. To ensure ongoing and continuous involvement in governance several areas have been identified for standing council and committee involvement and for other areas task or ad-hoc groups are developed as needed. Standing councils and committees have defined ongoing responsibilities, whereas task groups, ad-hoc committees, or teams have charges developed to meet specific issues. For more information on shared governance visit https://www.uaptc.edu/governance 7.10 Employee Identification Employees will be issued an identification card from Human Resources. Replacement cards may be ordered through Human Resources. Upon termination, the ID card must be returned to supervisor or Human Resources before the last check will be released. Approved by Staff Senate: January 14, 2019 P TC are required to register their vehicle. Parking stickers will be distributed through Campus Police. Staff are expected to follow all parking regulations. To view the parking regulations online, visit http://mediaserver.uaptc.edu/policies/500-Student-Affairs/590- parking-and-vehicle-registration.pdf 7.12 College Property It is in the best interest of UA-PTC that property is not removed from the campus unless it is necessary for the performance of College activities. Confer with a direct supervisor for conditions under which the College property or materials may be used. The Off Campus Use of State Property Form must be completed and approvals obtained prior to property being taken off campus for official College business. Termination of Employment The separating employee must return all College property at the time of separation, including uniforms, cell phones, keys, PCs and identification cards. Failure to return some items may result in deductions from the final paycheck. The separating employee will contact Human Resource as soon as notice is given to schedule an exit interview. The interview will be on the employee’s last day of work or another day, as mutually agreed on. 7.13 Equipment Policy Each staff member is responsible for all equipment items on their inventory. Supervisors are responsible for conducting a physical inventory of all equipment items annually. Supervisors will receive an inventory sheet of equipment from Purchasing and Inventory each year and are encouraged to make periodic inventories of equipment items during the school year. Equipment items are generally considered to be those items costing $2,500 or more and having a useful life of three years or more. Purchasing and Inventory will attempt to identify all equipment received on campus and place property tags on the items. Requests for loan of equipment between campus departments or divisions are the responsibility of Purchasing and Inventory, who will develop procedures for the division. Instructors are encouraged to maintain adequate records of equipment loans in order to track equipment. All College-supplied technology and College-related work records belong to the College and not to the employee. UA-PTC routinely monitors use of College-supplied technology. Inappropriate or illegal use or communications may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Approved by Staff Senate: January 14, 2019 7.14 Communication The following guidelines have been established for using the internet, College-provided cell phones and e-mail in an appropriate, ethical and professional manner: •Internet, College-provided equipment (e.g., cell phone, laptops, and computers) and services may not be used for transmitting, retrieving or storing any communications of a defamatory, discriminatory, harassing or pornographic nature. •The following actions are forbidden: using disparaging, abusive, profane or offensive language; creating, viewing or displaying materials that might adversely or negatively reflect upon the College or be contrary to the College’s best interests; and engaging in any illegal activities, including piracy, cracking (e.g. hacking), extortion, blackmail, copyright infringement, and unauthorized access of any computers and College-provided equipment such as cell phones and laptops. •Employees may not copy, retrieve, modify or forward copyrighted materials, except with permission or as a single copy to reference only. •Employees must not use the system in a way that disrupts its use by others. Employees must not send or receive large files that could be saved/transferred via thumb drives. Employees are prohibited from sending or receiving files that are not related to work. •Employees should not open suspicious e-mails, pop-ups or downloads. Contact IT Services with any questions or concerns to reduce the release of viruses or to contain viruses immediately. •Internal and external e-mails are considered business records and may be subject to the Freedom of Information Act and/or discovery in the event of litigation. Be aware of this possibility when sending e-mail within and outside the College. •Employees should have no expectation of privacy as it relates to their use of the College e-mail, accessing the internet using College equipment or Wi-Fi or when using College owned computers, phones, pagers, radios, cell phones, etc. Right to Monitor Approved by Staff Senate: January 14, 2019 P a g e 36 7.15 Internet/Computer Use and Conduct The College is committed to intellectual and academic freedom in connection with its computing and network resources. Computers and networks are provided by the College to enhance its mission of teaching and public service and to provide access to local, national, and international facilities in achieving these goals. Individuals who are granted computing accounts or who use computing resources at the College accept the responsibilities that accompany such access. Each user is expected to use College accounts and resources for educational, research, or administrative purposes; except as otherwise provided in this code, activities unrelated to these purposes are prohibited. Use of computing resources in violation of the regulations set forth in this code will be reviewed through established College procedures for employee misconduct. Restrictions imposed on usage of computer and network systems may be challenged through the same procedures. For more information on the Code of Computing Practices visit the UA-PTC Academic Catalog and/or the online policy https://www.uaptc.edu/docs/default-source/it- services/code-of-computing-practices.pdf?sfvrsn=1d821fe8_2 7.16 Intellectual Property Rights Any electronic or print materials/resources which are developed by employees as part of their paid employment at UA-PTC or with the support of College equipment, materials, or facilities are the property of the College. Any employee who intends to copyright, patent, or merchandise those materials or objects must obtain prior approval from the Chancellor. 7.17 Confidentiality In the course of working at UA-PTC, staff may have access to confidential information about the College, our students and/or parents, co-workers or the public, including, but not limited to, information regarding student academic records, disciplinary matters, medical information and development plans. As a matter of state and federal law and/or College policy, such information must be held in strict confidence and not divulged to persons either within or outside the College community to protect individual privacy and College business. If it is important for someone in the College to know the details of a confidential matter, must also be communicated to Human Resources within 30 days of the event. Failure to give timely notice may result in financial liability for the employee. Approved by Staff Senate: January 14, 2019 then it may be appropriate for an employee to share it or discuss it. An employee should always check with their supervisor for specific instructions regarding who should have access to privileged information and how it should be handled. Staff who have access to student information should refer to the Student Handbook for the detailed College policy regarding the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law that provides students’ rights of access to education records and imposes regulations on the College in the release and disclosure of education records to third parties. It is essential that this information be treated properly and not released to unauthorized persons. 7.18 Employee Record Information It is critical that staff keep up-to-date information on file with Human Resources. Staff should inform Human Resources of changes to emergency contact information as soon as possible by submitting an Employee Change of Data Form located online at https://portal.uaptc.edu/ICSFileServer/SharedDocs/HR/Personnel-Forms/Employee- Data-Change.pdf. Staff may also report changes directly to Human Resources by emailing humanresources@uaptc.edu. Staff are responsible for reporting information changes. For more information, reference Section 8 of this Staff Handbook. Reporting Personal Information Changes All staff are responsible for notifying Human Resources as well as the medical, dental and retirement plan providers of address and telephone number changes. Address and telephone number changes may be updated and notified to Human Resources by accessing the Campus Portal and filling out the Employee Change of Data Form located online at https://portal.uaptc.edu/ICSFileServer/SharedDocs/HR/Personnel- Forms/Employee-Data-Change.pdf. Reporting Updated Credentials All staff are responsible for notifying Human Resources of any updates to credentials earned. Reporting Life Event Changes Life event changes (e.g., marriage, birth or death of a dependent family member, etc.) 7.20 Outside Employment While all full-time employees are expected to devote their time and efforts primarily to the College, it is recognized that a limited amount of outside work can sometimes be desirable. Outside work which will contribute to professional development or update Approved by Staff Senate: January 14, 2019 7.19 Concurrent Employment Concurrent employment exists when a state employee receives compensation from (1) two different state agencies/institutions or (2) from the same institution/agency for additional duties over and above those of the employee’s primary position and regular work schedule and where such duties are clearly not a part of the employee’s primary job. School Districts are NOT considered State institutions. Concurrent employment does not differentiate between funding sources; therefore, any faculty/employees working for two departments or receiving supplemental pay for additional work must have an approved Concurrent Employment Form before the services are to begin and before the Part-time Teaching Request and PAF indicating the extra earnings are submitted to Human Resources. For copies of these forms, contact Human Resources The primary employer is defined as the agency/institution employing the employee in a full-time appointment, the employer paying the greater salary, and/or the employer with the longest duration of employment. The secondary employer is defined as the agency/institution employing the employee on an adjunct or part-time basis, the employer that is paying the lesser salary, and/or the employer with the shortest duration of employment. The Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE) requires all forms be submitted to ADHE at least five (5) days prior to the intended start date. To ensure Human Resources has time to verify the information, work with the departments, and to make any necessary corrections, the Concurrent Employment Request Form should be submitted to Human Resources at least ten (10) working days prior to actual start date for the secondary appointment. Requests not submitted to ADHE five working days prior to the planned start date will require written justification from the department as to why the documents were not received within the timeframe required. Teaching Part-time All full-time staff are required to obtain written approval from their supervisor prior to accepting adjunct teaching assignments. Staff are to submit all documents to Human Resources prior to commencing concurrent employment. No duties related to the adjunct teaching position may be completed during the employee’s primary work hours without a plan to account for those hours approved in advance by the Chancellor. violations of criminal law, immediate threats to person or property, theft, insubordination, misrepresentation of material information at the time of hire, falsification of time recorded, or acts which impair the mission of the College, the Approved by Staff Senate: January 14, 2019 technical skills is to be encouraged. Such employment, however, must not interfere with the discharge of the employee’s duties at the College. It is expected that the employee will make clear, in all instances, that outside employment is their individual responsibility, and that the College is not being represented. College assets are not to be used without expressed written permission. Any employee who is considering outside employment with another state agency should speak with a Human Resource’s representative. There are several reporting requirements that must be met with both the State and the UA Systems Office. 7.21 Conflict of Interest Employees have an obligation to conduct business in a manner that avoids actual or potential conflicts of interest. An actual or potential conflict of interest occurs when an employee is in a position to influence a decision that may result in a personal gain for that employee or for a relative because of the College’s business dealings. For the purposes of this policy, a relative is any person who is related by blood or marriage, or whose relationship with the employee is similar to that of persons who are related by blood or marriage. For more information on Nepotism, see policy 4.4 of this Staff Handbook. Personal gain may result not only in cases where a staff member or relative has a significant ownership in a firm with which the College does business, but also when an employee or relative receives any kickback, bribe, substantial gift, or special gift, or special consideration as a result of any transaction or business dealings involving the College. All benefits eligible employees of UA-PTC are required to complete a written form annually to disclose any participation in activities outside the College which could constitute a conflict of interest or conflict of commitment. Supervisors will provide the disclosure form. For more information regarding conflicts of interest, contact Human Resources. 7.22 Investigations For most breaches of College rules, the College is committed to the principle of progressive or corrective discipline. For certain acts, including but not limited to Next >